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Accelerating climate-friendly waterway investments

Project information

ProjectAccelerating climate-friendly waterway investments
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences (head coordinator), Vanajavesi Center
FundersEuropean Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2023–2027
Budget250 000 € (EU share 107 500 €)

The state of lakes and rivers in Kanta-Häme has deteriorated. The waterways in the area are classified as satisfactory in some places and partly as adequate for the Vanajavesi route, which means that the need for river basin management measures is great in the target area. In the Kanta-Häme region, there is a continuous need to develop cooperation between water protection associations and to implement water protection measures and maintenance of old structures.

In the Vauhtia ilmastomyönteisiin vesistöinvestointeihin (VIIVI) project, we aim at the well-being of waters in Kanta-Häme, the prevention of nutrient leaching, adaptation to climate change and the safeguarding of biodiversity.

The project has six themes: water management, invasive species, climate actions, protection of endangered species, landscape management and communication. In order to achieve these goals, we map sites that require renovation and plan climate and environmental investment projects together with local actors. In addition, we carry out campaigns, events and testing of new renovation methods that support investments in the project. We make use of the area’s nature and environmental schools in mapping, communication and restorative activities.

The project results include

  • surveys of refurbishment sites
  • plans for launching climate and environmental investment projects to carry out various communal water and landscape management projects
  • demonstrations of new remediation methods
  • diverse events and gatherings
  • networking of actors and new forms of cooperation

Target group

The owners of water and land areas, lake protection associations, water management and nature conservation experts of ELY Centres, area residents

Operating area


Contact information

heidi kontio

Environmental Coordinator

+358 50 408 7946

Häme University of Applied Sciences