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Home Privacy policy Privacy notice: Camera surveillance

Pri­vacy no­tice: Cam­era sur­veil­lance

Privacy notice: Camera surveillance: joint informative document for data subjects (Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation [2016/679]).

Pur­poses of pro­cessing per­sonal data

With camera surveillance, the aim is to safeguard the physical integrity of persons and to minimise vandalism against the premises.

Also the vehicle registration plate numbers of those persons who move around the premises’ public spaces may be recorded by the cameras.

In exam aquariums (EXAM), camera surveillance is used due to possible irregularities during exams.

Legal basis for pro­cessing

The basis for processing personal data is the legitimate interest of the data controller.

Per­sonal data con­tent and re­ten­tion peri­ods of the re­gister

Data cat­egory nameRe­ten­tion period
Cam­era sur­veil­lance data6 months
Cam­era sur­veil­lance data, exam aquar­i­ums (EXAM)1 year
Vehicle re­gis­tra­tion plate num­bers6 months

Data sub­jects

Persons recorded in the register who move around the premises under camera surveillance.

Reg­u­lar sources of data

Camera surveillance system

Reg­u­lar dis­clos­ures of data

In criminal cases, data may be handed over to the police on request for pre-trial investigation.

Prin­ciples of data pro­tec­tion of the re­gister

A Manual ma­ter­ial

In addition, snapshots may be printed out of the system for investigation purposes in criminal matters and related to irregularities.

B Data pro­cessed through auto­mated data pro­cessing

Data is stored in an information system. Access is granted only to those persons working for the data controller who are entitled to access and use the data in the system in order to perform their duties.

The lawful processing of personal data is ensured by categorisation of data and with operating methods that are in compliance with the data handling rules concerning data set.

Auto­mated decision-​making

No automated decision-making is performed on the recorded data.

Trans­fer of data out­side the EU or EEA

No data is transferred outside the EU or EEA.

Rights of the data sub­ject

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) provides the data subject with the following rights:


Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
PL 230 (Visamäentie 35 A)
13101 Hämeenlinna

Puhelin: (03) 6461, sähköpostiosoite:

Con­tact per­son for re­gister

Data pro­tec­tion of­ficer

Häme University of Applied Sciences Ltd
data protection officer
P.O. Box 230
FI-13101 Hämeenlinna