New association HAMKES encouraging start-up entrepreneurship established – welcome to the launch event!

HAMK Entrepreneurship Society (HAMKES) has been founded by HAMK students, mainly international, to develop entrepreneurial spirit and hone business ideas. The activities and objectives of the society will be presented on 19 March at the HAMK Riihimäki campus.
The HAMK Entrepreneurship Society (HAMKES) has been established at the Riihimäki campus of Häme University of Applied Sciences. HAMKES is a fully student-driven society whose mission is to promote the entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial activism of HAMK students. It develops students’ business ideas, helps to increase knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship, helps to find employment as an entrepreneur, and helps to network with existing businesses and stakeholders that are essential for entrepreneurship, such as donors. In particular, HAMKES encourages and supports students who aspire to become start-up entrepreneurs.
24 students from the Information and Communication Technology (Robotics), Mechanical Engineering and production technology and Sustainable Urban Design courses signed the association’s charter. The students are mainly students who came to HAMK from abroad. The association was registered on 12.2.2025.
Welcome to the launch event on Wednesday 19.3.
The activities and objectives will be presented at the HAMK Riihimäki campus on Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 16:00, in room B209.
Programme for HAMKES Grand Opening
- 16-16:15 Guest Arrival & Welcome Drinks
- 16:15 PM – 16:30 Opening Remarks, David Hlabangana, President HAMKES ry: The Vision and Mission of HAMKES
- 16:30-16:45 Jyri Leinonen, StartUp-Specialist: The importance of student-led start-up entrepreneurship
- 16:45-17:00 Jouni Eho, Mayor, Riihimäki
- 17-17:15 Ilkka Kaikuvuo, Fiban: The importance of the entrepreneurial community from Fiban’s perspective
- Pizza, drinks, mingling
- 17:30-17:35 FRUSH StartUp -Competition Announcement – How to Participate & Win Up to €3,000
- 17:35-18 Mingling, music, closing remarks
Program is subject to change.
HAMK offers HAMKES not only premises, but also solid support and assistance for association and business activities, as well as a substantial financial contribution to start-up activities. The association carries out its actual fundraising through its own events and activities. Staff from HAMK and the City of Riihimäki act as mentors to the association’s board, and stakeholders in the region look forward to the association’s activities and cooperation.
The activities will be integrated into HAMK’s entrepreneurship studies, entrepreneurship concepts and research and development activities. It is planned to expand the activities to other HAMK campuses in the future.
More information:
David Hlabangana
President, HAMKES ry