Mustiala teaching and research farm
At Mustiala teaching and research farm, production is done organically.
Welcome to Mustiala teaching and research farm!
The production direction of the farm is milk production. The farm has 185 hectares of land and approximately 70 cows. The loose-housing barn was built in 2015. Crop cultivation transitioned to organic farming in 2018 and milk production in 2020. Every year, experimental and trial activities are carried out in Mustiala in collaboration with research, advisory, and business sectors.
In 2022, the organic network TP Organics named Mustiala Campus organic farm as an exemplary “Lighthouse” farm along with four other European farms. These farms are advancing the organic sector and broader agricultural food system change in different ways. Read more about it here!
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Contact information
Isa Vuohelainen is responsible for updating the Mustiala teaching and research farm’s website.
Emma Nylund for matters related to education.

Häme University of Applied Sciences Mustiala Teaching and Research Farm Mustialantie 105, 31310 Mustiala