More skilled labour in Tanzania with the help of new educational technologies

Together with 3DBear, we are committed to creating innovative and sustainable education solutions that meet Tanzania’s vocational education needs and support local skills development.
Our goal is a stronger and more skilled workforce in Tanzania. Our experts are responsible for mapping the skills required in working life, ensuring teachers’ competence through training, and assessing the effectiveness of the digital learning environment. One of 3DBear’s key actions is the creation of a digital learning environment.
Our long-term goal is to develop context-appropriate digital training solutions and products. In different solutions, it is important to take into account Tanzania’s opportunities and challenges. This is both in terms of infrastructure, as well as the special characteristics and requirements of different sectors. The aim is to create cost-effective simulation solutions that support the development of skills. We also address capabilities needed in different fields in vocational education and training.
During the project, we will focus on developing the capacity of VET teachers to plan, guide and evaluate learning in digital environments. We also want to strengthen the capacity of educational institution management to utilise digital learning solutions.
Five different vocational schools are involved in the project. In cooperation with the international organisation Save the Children (STC), we utilise simulation pedagogy in five different fields: measurement technology, agriculture, social and health care, tourism, fishing and blue economy. The project will run for two years in Dar es Salaam, Arusha-Mosh and Zanzibar. The funding is provided by the Finnpartnership business partnership programme of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
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