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Home Mitigating climate change through investments on water management actions in Kanta-Häme

Mitigating climate change through investments on water management actions in Kanta-Häme

co-funded by the EU

The water bodies in Kanta-Häme are classified as being in satisfactory ecological condition in some areas, with the situation being partly poor along the Vanajavesi route. The deteriorated state of these water bodies causes significant harm to the region’s nature and ecosystems. The lakes and rivers of Kanta-Häme urgently need measures to ensure their well-being, maintain biodiversity, and help in adapting to climate change.

The main objective of our project, Accelerating climate-friendly waterway investments (VIIVI), is to safeguard the well-being of Kanta-Häme’s waters and mitigate climate change by promoting the implementation of climate and environmental investments and strengthening the cooperation among rural stakeholders. We aim to increase the knowledge of local residents and other stakeholders about water management methods, and provide information on climate change, its mitigation, and adaptation through water management strategies.

The project is based on active communication and networking. We will also engage in dialogue with rural residents and regional actors in Kanta-Häme to identify suitable restoration sites and potential project implementers. We will also promote networking through various water management-related events, volunteer activities, and pilot projects.

Our project activities will crystallize into concrete actions on the water bodies of Kanta-Häme together with our stakeholders. For example, this fall, our students from the Degree Programme of Sustainable Development will work with the Katumajärvi Protection Association to remove the invasive species greater reedgrass (Glyceria maxima). At the same time, we will test the suitability of the greater reedgrass for biochar production using a portable carbonizer. By combining water management methods and the testing and demonstrating of new equipment, we aim to create new value chains that enhance the region’s vitality and enable the emergence of new investment projects.

As a result of the project, the condition of Kanta-Häme’s waters will improve, and local communities will benefit from cleaner lakes and rivers. At the same time, we support sustainable development actions aimed at ensuring the well-being of both the nature and people of Kanta-Häme in the future.

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