Maps and testing operations
Operating test activities is one part of the operation of the teaching and research farm. On this page, various project outputs are collected, such as articles and fact sheets. The maps include test operation maps, but also, for example, drainage maps.

12 Yhteislaidun
15 Kaski
16 Valtatie
17 Ojala
18 Raikko
26 Ruohonen
27 Vepsä

23 Etu-Lassila
24 Taka-Lassila
25 Pikku-Lassila
28 Kylmäoja
29 Iso-Lassila
30 Kuokkamaa

10 Nummilohko
11 Kuivurilohko
12 Yhteislaidun

22 Kyttälä

28 Kylmäoja

12 Yhteislaidun

26 Ruohonen

31 Härkihaka
32 Peräkäs
33 Pellinsuo Etu
34 Pellinsuo Taka

33 Pellinsuo Etu, säätösalaojitus

33 Pellinsuo Etu
34 Pellinsuo Taka

30 Kuokkamaa

4 Mönkkö

1-2 Museo
3 Lamminranta
6 Riuskanoja
7 Uusikylä
The zone map consists of NDVI and NDMI data for the entire growing season, downloaded from the Sentinel satellite over several years. The zone maps show the growth of crops in different years. With the help of artificial intelligence algorithms, the appropriate number of zones has been determined. Typically, there are 3-5 zones. If the field has a uniform crop, the number of zones decreases and the differences between the zones are small. If there is a high variability in growth within the field block, then there are more growth zones and the differences between them are greater.
From zone maps, the following things can be interpreted:
With the help of maps, one can also try to find reasons why growth has not been successful in certain years. For example, in certain years, early summer drought has prevented good growth of vegetation, due to soil structure/soil types.
Let’s discuss the internal growth variation within the block: poor – average – good
Let’s compare several growth seasons, areas for improvement can be identified, such as areas that always have poor growth.
Let’s locate suitable sampling points for soil samples, for example from the middle of a good and bad growth zone.
Let’s locate suitable installation locations for the sensors.

You can learn more about the plot-specific test signs here: https://mustialanluomutila.fi/peltolohkot/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Koekyltit-2023-1-1.pdf

Luomussa vara parempi (organic is better) project, the experiments and studies can be found here.
Haavisto, Minna (2022): Weed harrowing as a method of controlling annual weeds in organic farmings. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Master’s thesis.
Hinkkanen, Kaija, Jalli, Marja, Michelson, Annika & Sakari Raiskio (2022): Variety trials to secure organic plant production Hamk Unlimited Journal 1.8.2022
Michelson, Annika (2022): New forces are needed to preserve the diversity of potatoes Hamk Unlimited Journal 1.8.2022
Salonen, Jukka; Niemi, Mari; Haavisto, Minna ja Juvonen, Eeva-Liisa (2022): Effect of annually repeated weed harrowing against Chenopodium album (L.) in organically grown spring cereals, Vol. 31 No.2 Agricultural and Food Science
Michelson, Annika & Heinonen, Maarit (2022): Observations from the Mustiala landrace grain test field, HAMK Beat 10.10.2022
Hinkkanen, Kaija: Organic is better – food and digital are put to good use ProAgria Southern-Finland
Hinkkanen, Kaija & Kukkula, Leena: LEAN – value stream description and annual clock help in the work and management of an organic farm
Korhonen, Jukka: Key figures of Mustiala. HAMK
Korhonen, Jukka: Mustiala organic farm’s harvest results and key figures. HAMK
Organic be better -project. Knowledge cards 2019-2021
Michelson, Annika & Vahtila, Outi: Organic production needs new varieties. Organic leaf 1/2021
Pärssinen, Simo: Experiences with Mustiala organic breakfast HAMK
Raiskio, Sakari & Hinkkanen, Kaija: Organic production needs new varieties.. Organic leaf 1/2021, s. 38-40
Teinilä, Timo & Vahtila, Outi: Digital agriculture is utilized at the Mustiala organic farm. Häme University of Applied Sciences. HAMK Unlimited
Teinilä, Timo: From flight plan to fertilization plan? HAMK
Alitalo-Nieminen, Jenni: Smart inventory accounting for Mustiala teaching and research farm. Häme University of Applied Sciences 2020
Heikkonen, Jari; Korhonen, Jukka; Pärssinen, Simo; Vahtila, Outi; Thuneberg, Terhi and Michelson, Annika (2020): The Mustiala barn was renovated to organic standards—Luomu magazine.
Heikkonen, Jari; Vahtila, Outi; Kukkula, Leena: Mustiala barn to make organic water – how to make a barn organic? HAMK Unlimited. 22.1.2020
Juvonen, Eeva-Liisa & Salonen, Jukka (2020): Nature regulates the success of weeds. HAMK Unlimited. 18.3.2020
Juvonen, Eeva-Liisa; Vahtila, Outi; Korhonen, Jukka ja Laine, Rauno (2020): Good vegetation prevents annual weeds . Organic leaf 2/2020
Koivuniemi, Sinna: Maize cultivation in Mustiala 2019. Häme University of Applied Sciences 2019
Kuussaari, Mikko; Hyvönen, Terho & Huusela, Erja: Field Biodiversity Survey 2020 at Mustiala Teaching and Research Farm. (pollinators, predatory invertebrates, vegetation mapping). Finnish Environment Institute & Natural Resources Institute Finland.
Ritari-Venäläinen (2020): Field Observatory – carbon sequestration, open communication and the miracle of self-management. 3.12.2020 Field observatory
Toivonen, Ida: Fertilisation and pickling experiment with different varieties in organic farming – Organic observation lanes at Mustiala teaching farm. Häme University of Applied Sciences 2020
Vahtila, Outi; Thuneberg, Terhi; Michelson, Annika; Korhonen, Jukka. The Organic Be Better project boosts the development of organic farming in Häme. HAMK Unlimited 20.1.2020
Vahtila, Outi & Michelson, Annika (2020): Organic farming has inspired new experiments. ProAgria customer magazine.
Juvonen, Eeva-Liisa:Mustiala’s field bird population is monitored . HAMK Unlimited. 20.5.2019
Kivelä, Jukka ja Korhonen, Jukka (2019): Combined use of slurry and recycled fertilizer produces results in Mustiala 5/2019, s. 40-41
Perttala, Riikka: Organic grazing, herbs and the use of rye in pasture establishment – case Mustiala. University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
Jäntti, Laura (2018): Control of annual weeds in organic farming. Thesis. Häme University of Applied Sciences.
Michelson, Annika & Kekkonen, Piia (toim.): A nutrient- and energy-efficient farm. Publication of the Nutrient and Energy Efficient Farm project. HAMK’s e-publications 9/2018, Häme University of Applied Sciences.
Pakkala, Timo & Tiainen, Juha: Mustiala teaching and research farm’s agricultural environment nesting birds. Survey 2018. Report 25.9.2018
Knowledge cards
Fava bean-oat mixed farming, lane test 2023 (LuoVaMix)
Grain-protein-vegetable mixed cultivation experiment, lane 2023 (LuoVaMix)
Whole grain silage mixed farming experiment 2023 (LuoVaMix)
Sowing frequency of peas (Future Farmers project)
Continuous plant cover (Future Farmers project)
Crop observations 2021 (Organic Be Better project)
Making crop observations during the growing season (Future Farmers project)
Fertilization test for spring wheat (Future Farmers project)
Recycled fertilisers (Future Farmers project)
Organic carrot (Organic Be Better project)
Organic crop rotation (Future Farmers project)
Farm data collection model (Future Farmers project)
Weed management in organic grass-grain rotation (Organic Be Better project)
Rotational grazing (Future Farmers project)
Rotational grazing 2019 (Organic Be Better project)
Mixed farming (LuoVaMix – project)
Results of Commercial Farming 2019 (Organic Be Better project)
Results of Commercial Farming 2020 (Organic Be Better project)
Grass cultivation of peat and soil, and minor tillage measures (Organic Be Better project)
Cultivation of protein crops (Organic Be Better project)