Is urban wind power worth it?

Investing in urban wind power could significantly increase renewable energy production. In SMARTCITYWIND project, we are investigating the conditions for the deployment of urban wind power and the windiness in different locations and property types.
We are already familiar with solar panels, but did you know that there’s also another way to generate energy, for example, right in the centre of the city where you live? Urban wind power is small-scale wind power that is generated by, for example, vertical windmills on the roofs of buildings. As the equipment for small-scale wind power generation has diversified and become less expensive over the years, the conditions for making urban wind power profitable are improving all the time.
In Urban wind power – implementation conditions and profitability (SMARTCITYWIND) project we are investigating the conditions for the introduction of urban wind power from the point of view of wind energy and economic viability, together with SYKLI Environmental College and Limowa ry. We also study the needs of property owners and their willingness to invest. Currently, for example, the installation of solar panels in large public buildings is becoming mandatory already this year, and the obligation will be further extended to other types of buildings in the future as well. However, solar energy production in Finland’s latitudes is challenging at certain times of the year, so investment in urban wind power could significantly increase renewable energy production.
At HAMK, we bring specific expertise to the project in wind measurement equipment and measurement, as well as in the recording and analysis of the collected measurement data. We will make the know-how accumulated in the project available in Kanta-Häme, thus promoting the introduction and spread of renewable energy production methods in the region. We want to initiate a development process where small-scale solar power generation would be complemented by urban wind power as a new form of clean energy production.
SMARTCITYWIND project will run from 1.2.2024 to 30.9.2025.The main implementer of the project is the SYKLI Environmental College, and partners are Häme University of Applied Sciences and Limowa ry. The project is co-funded by the European Union.