Is reading difficult? Library can help!

If reading is difficult for you due to a disability, illness, or a similar reason, you can join Celia’s audiobook service.
If you are unsure about qualifying for Celia’s services, you can check their list of possible reading disabilities (only in Finnish) or contact HAMK library. Celia is available for both HAMK students and staff and has textbooks for higher education too. Accessibility library Celia is a service funded by the Finnish government and its services are meant for people with disabilities. You can browse Celia’s audiobooks without signing up on Celianet.
Celia credentials are made in a meeting with HAMK library staff. The meeting takes about 30 minutes and can be done on campus or remotely. Please suggest a meeting time by email:
Tips to help everyone
Reading can be challenging even without a disability, especially reading from a screen. Being stressed or tired makes it worse. We have collected some helpful tips on HAMK Finna for making reading from a screen easier. Sometimes you can even listen to the text instead!