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Home Come to Study! How do I apply or register for the studies?

How Do I Apply or Re­gister for the Stud­ies?

You can start your studies at HAMK in various ways. On this page, we have gathered information for you on applying for studies, whether you are starting your studies at a university for the first time or looking to enhance your skills with shorter courses

Degree-​awarding Edu­ca­tion

Dir­ect Ap­plic­a­tion to HAMK

When you want to begin your studies at HAMK in our English-taught degrees, you can apply directly to us using our specific application methods.

We will select students for each program during the application period. If a program reaches its maximum capacity, we will stop accepting applications for that program. Therefore, it is important to submit your application as early as possible.

Please note that this application process is different from the Finnish Joint Application and applies exclusively to HAMK.

In this application, we will select most of the students based on their previous school performance or SAT-scores. For more detailed criteria, you can find information on the degree programmes own page:

Finnish Na­tional Joint Ap­plic­a­tion

You can apply to several english taught programmes and higher education institutes in Finland at the same time.

Finnish National Joint Application is held on 8 – 22 January 2025 3.00 PM (Finnish time)

You can be selected to study at HAMK by an online entrance exam.

Check more detailed information from national websites (information about the upcoming application will be published during autumn 2024):

You can find all the information for applicants from UAS-info webpages:

International UAS exam is a shared digital entrance exam for Finnish universities of applied sciences. The exam is conducted entirely online and can be taken from home using your own computer.

The date of the exam will be announced by the end of the year 2024.

Check our English taught programmes, which are part of Finnish Joint Application:

More information about how to apply in Joint Application:

Ap­plic­a­tion on the Basis of Open UAS Stud­ies

For HAMK’s English taught degrees, application on the basis of open UAS studies is open for students, who have completed the Study path in HAMK’s open UAS. Check more information about the study paths and application below:

Trans­fer ap­plic­a­tion

If you are studying at another Finnish university, you can apply for a transfer to HAMK in the middle of your studies! You can transfer to a similar or equivalent program with us as long as:

  • Your studies have progressed according to schedule (45 ECTS credits per academic year), and it is possible for you to complete your degree within the original duration of your studies. Transfer is not possible if it would extend your study period.
  • You have studied at your current university for at least one year (Bachelor’s degree students) or one semester (Master’s degree students)

Please notice: Transfer application is meant only between higher education institutes located in Finland. If you wish to continue your studies in HAMK but you are now studying in university outside of Finland, check other application methods from up.

Check more detailed instructions:

Un­com­pleted de­gree in Finnish higher edu­ca­tion

Have you ever started your higher education studies in Finland but for one reason or another had to put them on hold? Did you know that you can continue your studies without having to reapply through the joint application process?

You can apply to HAMK at any time during the semester to continue your interrupted studies.

Check more detailed instructions:

Pro­fes­sional Teacher Edu­ca­tion

Joint Ap­plic­a­tion for Pro­fes­sional Teacher Edu­ca­tion

You can apply to become a student in HAMK’s Professional Teacher Education programs through the annual joint application process. The application period lasts for about three weeks and takes place in January.

The application form is completed through the national -service, and you can simultaneously apply to vocational teacher education programs in other Finnish higher education institutes.

Explore HAMK’s professional teacher education and check the application deadlines

Open Stud­ies

Open Stud­ies

The Open Studies is suitable for those who wish to study and develop their skills. Your age or educational background doesn’t matter; anyone interested in learning can participate in the studies. However, please note that some courses may have recommended prerequisites.

In open studies, you can find a range of offerings, from short courses lasting a few days to three-month modules.

There are five enrollment periods for open studies each year. You can also find courses, where you can enroll and whenever you prefer.

If you live outside of EU/EEA-area, please notice open studies won’t give you right for student recidence permit to enter Finland. We recommend to choose only online-studies.

Explore HAMK’s open study offerings and find detailed enrollment instructions:

Study Paths

Study paths are designed for those who wish to earn a degree but did not apply through the regular application process. These studies are offered as part of the Open studies, and the fees are in accordance with the Open University’s fee structure.

In study paths, you will study directly within the degree program group. Once you have completed the required number of credits (30-60 credits depending on the program), you can apply to become a degree student.

You can apply for study paths twice a year, in August and December. Check the specific dates on the study paths page and be prepared to act quickly, as the most popular study paths fill up within minutes.

If you live outside of EU/EEA-area, please notice that you can’t enter Finland for a Study Path, as open studies won’t give you right for student recidence permit. We recommend to choose only online-study paths, or different application methods for becoming a degree student.

Explore study paths and find detailed enrollment instructions:

FAQ about ap­ply­ing

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about applying for studies at HAMK.

More questions?

Degree-awarding Programmes:

Phone: +358 3 646 4503

Professional Teacher Education: