Home care is being digitally renewed and evolving through a continuous learning model

Häme University of Applied Sciences has launched a new project, “Digital expertise and sustainable work for home care – DIGIKH”, where new technology and service expertise are being developed. As part of this initiative, a digital analytics application is being created for the assessment of the well-being and competence of home care staff. The ultimate objective is to increase the safety of customers living at home by enhancing the digital and age technology skills of the personnel.
In home care, there is a strong need to develop digital expertise and new service models. The DIGIKH project is constructing a continuous learning model for home care practitioners. The goal is to increase professionals’ digital competence, improve service quality, and make home care a more appealing work environment. The model aims to revitalize home care practices by continually enhancing staff expertise, improving service quality, and developing home care into a well-being-focused and attractive profession.
The development work, utilizing service design and co-creation methods, is carried out in close collaboration with home care practitioners in various home care environments. The aim is to create consistent and effective operational models that can be widely shared and adopted across well-being regions. The project is implemented by Häme University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Laurea University of Applied Sciences.
The DigiKH project is funded by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).
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