Digital skills for beneficiaries
The project OODI studies offer different levels of learning solutions, from everyday digital skills to demanding professional skills in ICT industry.
OODI studies are aimed to persons who have been granted temporary protection in Finland. The courses are primarily online, meaning you can study them regardless of time and location. The studies are conducted mainly in English, which enables participation without Finnish language skills.
The studies offer different levels of learning solutions, from everyday digital skills to demanding professional skills in ICT industry. Language studies and the career guidance process are integrated into the studies to support the participant’s guidance in their studies and their ability to study. The goal is to offer new knowledge, which has a high demand globally. OODI studies are provided by five Finnish universities of applied sciences: Haaga-Helia, HAMK, Laurea, Metropolia, and Xamk.
All studies brochure
Coming at HAMK
- Digital start package 2 ects cr
- Working in Finland 2 ects cr
- Orientation to Finnish language 2 ects cr
More information at the bottom of the page.
Price and target group
The studies are free of charge for beneficiaries of temporary protection staying in Finland.
The project is financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The study courses are implemented as online studies. Some courses have guidance clinic at a certain time.
Study planning
When planning your studies, take into account your schedule and the time you have available, as well as the time needed to complete your studies.
Calculation formula to support the scheduling of studies:
1 credit corresponds to 27 hours of student work. Your previous knowledge affects the time you need to study, with good basic knowledge, time can pass, while a completely new subject can take more time.
Number of hours = Number of credits x 27 hours
example. The scope of the study is 2 credits = 2 x 27 hours = 54 hours, which corresponds to approximately 8 working days.
Enrollment for studies
Enroll for HAMKS’s OODI studies here.
There is no entrance exam or prerequisites to get into the studies.
All participants will be sent more information about studies by e-mail after the end of the registration period. So please follow your e-mail and make sure that your inbox is not full.
What is Oodi?
OODI is a free education implemented in the years 2022-2024 with a special grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The training is carried out in cooperation with five universities of applied sciences. Education is provided by Häme University of Applied Sciences, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Xamk University of Applied Sciences.
Theme / offer of all university of applied sciences
Study and working skills
In these studies, you get to know Finland and Finnish culture through the eyes of foreigners living in Finland. You will get to know the most typical features of Finnish society and, for example, how to look for job vacancies. You will also learn different study methods and techniques, as well as how to use digital work tools.
Service Design provide thinking models, practical process and tools to design services from a customer perspective. Business Design expands the Design thinking model towards business functions – how to create profitable, desirable and functioning business models. The study courses offer tools and viewpoints of customer-centric business
Programming skills
The training program is a great starting point for those who dream of becoming programmers, but the courses can also be taken by people looking to supplement their existing coding skills or change careers. The world is rapidly becoming digitalized and there is a major shortage of people with coding skills.
Digital marketing
Do you want to understand the role of digital and social media marketing and advertising in business, or is it your dream to offer companies social media and digital marketing expert services? Digital marketing courses give you a practical understanding of the field of social media and digital marketing.
Language skills
Learn the basics of the Finnish language in our courses! These courses will help you to deal with everyday situations, such as introductions and simple conversations. The courses are suitable for students who have no previous experience of the Finnish language.
Here you can view the offerings of other universities of applied sciences.
Kristiina Laine
Outi Lemettinen
Virve Oksanen
Janika Korento
Marja Pietiläinen
Курсы проекта OODI предназначены для лиц, которым в Финляндии предоставлена временная защита.
Проект OODI представляет собой программу подготовки, финансируемую за счет специального гранта Министерства образования и культуры.
Обучение проводят пять финских университетов прикладных наук: Haaga-Helia, HAMK, Laurea, Metropolia и Xamk. Курсы, в основном, проходят онлайн, что минимизирует накладки в расписании или время в пути. Занятия проводятся преимущественно на английском языке, поэтому подходят студентам, не владеющим финским языком.
Подготовка включает варианты учебы на различных уровнях, от развития общей цифровой грамотности до востребованных профессиональных навыков в информационно-технической сфере или маркетинге. В программу подготовки интегрировано изучение языка и профориентация, чтобы обеспечить прогресс студентов в учебе и карьерном развитии. Цель подготовки – предложить новые компетенции, пользующиеся большим спросом во всем мире.”
Курси проекту OODI призначені для осіб, яким у Фінляндії надано тимчасовий захист.
Проект OODI представляє собою програму підготовки, що фінансується за рахунок спеціального гранту Міністерства освіти та культури.
Навчання проводять п´ять фінських університетів прикладних наук: Haaga-Helia, HAMK, Laurea, Metropolia та Xamk. Курси, в основному, проходять онлайн, що мінімізує накладки у розкладі або час у дорозі. Заняття проводяться переважно англійською мовою, тому підходять студентам , які не володіють фінською мовою.
Підготовка включає варіанти навчання на різних рівнях, від розвитку загальної цифрової грамотності до затребуваних професійних навичок у інформаційно- технічній сфері чи маркетингу. У програму підготовки інтегровано вивчення мови та профорієнтація, щоб забезпечити прогрес студентів у навчанні та кар´єрному розвитку. Мета підготовки запропонувати нові компетенції, які мають великий попит у всьому світі.
HAMK courses
The purpose of this course is to enable students to get started with their UAS studies. Common study practices, environments and tools are introduced. The student can complete this course within his/her own schedules.
Studies are completed independently and at your own pace on the Moodle learning platform. You need a regular computer and network connections to run it.
Enrollment for studies by filling out the electronic form. There is no entrance exam or prerequisites to get into the studies.
Purpose of Service Design studies is to provide thinking models, practical process and tools for learners to design services from a customer perspective. Service Design is based on design thinking in which individual cases and general models are applied when building understanding of customers, users and providers in service process. The purpose of this approach is to design services that balances needs of customer, user and the business in a way that creates good quality service experience. Service Design process can be seen as repeating process of discovery, define, develop and deliver.
Studies are completed independently and at your own place on the Moodle learning platform. You need a regular computer and network connections to run it. Students choose their own working life project case organization. No exam. The course will be assessed based on the submitted tasks.
Business Design expands the Design thinking model towards business functions – how to create profitable, desirable and functioning business models. The study courses offer tools and viewpoints of customer-centric business
In Business Design studies learner will apply service and business design processes and methods in real life challenge of her/his choice. Core content is the double loop design and learning process in different phases: preparation, point of view, building understanding, generating ideas, designing prototype and validation of hypothesis in business experiementations. The following topics are learned: screenplay, team building, bold step visioning, cover stroy visioning, design criteria, storytelling, customer journey, value proposition, business environment, business model, creative matrix, wall of ideas, innovation matrix, sketching, prototyping, risk assumption analysis, business experiments, validation and investment assessment.
Studies are completed independently and at your own place on the Moodle learning platform. You need a regular computer and network connections to run it. Students choose their own working life project case organization. No exam. The course will be assessed based on the submitted tasks.
Working in Finland 2 cr
This course is designed for individuals who have not yet acquired proficiency in Finnish and are interested in gaining insights into Finnish working life, primarily in English and Russian.
Throughout the course, you will engage in practical exercises related to Finnish job search techniques and working life, along with learning relevant vocabulary in Finnish. You will create documents in English or in Finnish that are applicable to real-life job search scenarios, such as crafting a job application and a CV.
While the primary language of instruction is English and Russian, you will also have the opportunity to acquire job related vocabulary in Finnish.
You mainly study independently online according to your own schedule. Additionally, there is an option to participate in face-to-face instruction sessions in Hämeenlinna during the course on the 25th of March, the 29th of April and the 6th of May from noon to 1.30 pm.
Enrollment for studies by filling out the electronic form on this site. There is no entrance exam or prerequisites to get into the studies.
Orientation to Finnish language 2 cr
Orientation to Finnish Language is an introductory course and is suitable for you who have not yet studied Finnish and who is interested in learning the very basics of the Finnish language. Upon completing the course, you will understand the characteristics of the Finnish language, be able to pronounce Finnish, introduce yourself in Finnish, understand some basic phrases, engage in basic level dialogues, and receive useful tips for further Finnish language studies.
You mainly study independently online according to your own schedule. During the studies, it is possible to participate in guidance at Visamäki campus in Hämeenlinna or via Zoom. The schedule for the guidance is the following: the 25th of March, the 29th of April and the 6th of May from 2 pm to 3 pm.
Enrollment for studies by filling out the electronic form on this site. There is no entrance exam or prerequisites to get into the studies.
In this course you learn about basics of computer, tools used in operating systems (Windows / Mac), necessary knowledge in software systems and the skills required to perform programming. All these tools and practices are generally in use at HAMK IT studies.
The course consists of 2 different sections, which are Operating Systems (Windows & Mac) and Introduction to Programming. Most of material have been produced as videos and both sections have their own YouTube playlist. Operating Systems (Windows & Mac) also includes the PowerPoint documents and Introduction to Programming has practical exercises.
Previous experience about operating systems or programming is not required and learning is independent work.
The student:
- is able to work in the given development environment
- has a good knowledge of the syntax and structures of the given programming language
- is able to write programs which utilize control structures and functions
- is able to solve simple problems using the given programming language
- is able to use version control in his / her school work
Each topic is covered together in lecture. There are also videos for self-study to support learning in Moodle. In addition to lectures, there is workshop time to exercise coding in practice. In the workshops students do exercises independently and get help with them when needed.
In the course, you will learn to make simple programs with structures like variables, conditional statements, repetition statements, tables and functions.
Programming language is Java.
The student:
- is able to solve problems in an independent manner
- understands the key concepts relating to object-oriented programming, and is able to define classes
- is able to independently create simple programs which are based on the principles of object-oriented programming
- is able to use version control, mainly in his / her assignment returns
Each topic is introduced with lecture, after which the students do programming exercises related to the topic. There are also programming videos tailored just for this course for self-study.
The key contents of the course are classes, objects, inheritance, and encapsulation.
The programming language is Java.
Basics of programming (variables, tables, conditional/repetition structures, functions)Classes and entities
Dear Ukrainians!!!
Are you interested in employment in Finland? Do you want to know how to apply for a job in Finland and what you need to know about the job application process?
Do you want to know what you will be asked in job interviews and how to impress employers?
If so, we invite you to webinar: Employment in Finland for Ukrainians held on Thursday 21st September, 2023 at 9 am.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Register here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
See you there!!!
Шановні українці!!!
Ви зацікавлені у працевлаштуванні у Фінляндії? Хочете дізнатися, як влаштуватися на роботу у Фінляндії та що потрібно знати про процес працевлаштування?
Ви хочете знати, про що вас запитають на співбесіді та як справити враження на роботодавця?
Якщо так, то запрошуємо на вебінар: “Працевлаштування у Фінляндії для українців”, який відбудеться у четвер, 21 вересня, о 9:00.
Реєструйтеся на цю зустріч заздалегідь:
Після реєстрації ви отримаєте лист-підтвердження з інформацією про приєднання до зустрічі.
До зустрічі!!!
Dear Ukrainians!!!
Are you interested in employment in Finland? Do you want to know how to apply for a job in Finland and what you need to know about the job application process?
Do you want to know what you will be asked in job interviews and how to impress employers?
If so, we invite you to webinar: Employment in Finland for Ukrainians held on Thursday 26th October, 2023 at 1 pm.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Register here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
See you there!!!
Шановні українці!!!
Ви зацікавлені у працевлаштуванні у Фінляндії? Хочете дізнатися, як влаштуватися на роботу у Фінляндії та що потрібно знати про процес працевлаштування?
Ви хочете знати, про що вас запитають на співбесіді та як справити враження на роботодавця?
Якщо так, то запрошуємо на вебінар: Працевлаштування у Фінляндії для українців, який відбудеться у четвер, 26 жовтня, о 13:00.
Реєструйтеся на цю зустріч заздалегідь:
Після реєстрації ви отримаєте лист-підтвердження з інформацією про приєднання до зустрічі.
До зустрічі!!!
Dear Ukrainians!!!
Are you interested in employment in Finland? Do you want to know how to apply for a job in Finland and what you need to know about the job application process?
Do you want to know what you will be asked in job interviews and how to impress employers?
If so, we invite you to webinar: Employment in Finland for Ukrainians held on Thursday 30th November, 2023 at 3 pm.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Register here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
See you there!!!
Шановні українці!!!
Вас цікавить працевлаштування у Фінляндії? Ви хочете дізнатися, як подати заявку на роботу у Фінляндії та що потрібно знати про процес подання заявки на роботу?
Ви хочете знати, про що вас запитають на співбесіді та як справити враження на роботодавця?
Якщо так, то запрошуємо на вебінар: Працевлаштування у Фінляндії для українців, який відбудеться у четвер 30 листопада о 15:00.
Реєструйтеся на цю зустріч заздалегідь:
Після реєстрації ви отримаєте лист-підтвердження з інформацією про приєднання до зустрічі.
До зустрічі!!!
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