Advanced Competencies of Teachers to Improve Vocational Education in Applied Technology Schools

Project information
Project | Advanced Competencies of Teachers to Improve Vocational Education in Applied Technology Schools (ACTIVE-ATS) |
Duration | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024 |
Partners | Häme University of Applied Sciences (coordinator), Ministry of Education and Technical Education, Egypt, Helwan University, Egypt, IHK-Projektgesellschaft, Germany |
Funder | European Union Erasmus+ programme, Capacity Building (VET) Grant Agreement no. 101091636 |
The project is strengthening Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teachers’ and trainers’ capacity to work in competence based TVET in Egypt.
ACTIVE-ATS project is focusing on the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Egypt. There has been a significant amount of development in TVET in Egypt already at the system level, and at the same time, there is an urgent need to develop the teachers’ knowledge and understanding of student-centered and also competence-based lifelong learning. TVET is in the national context important forum for the economy, the key actor for the development of the company’s learning possibilities and practices, and also for the employment and professional growth of young people in Egypt. The continuous and rapid changes in the world of work are typical features in all ACTIVE-ATS project partner countries: Egypt, Finland and Germany.
The development work is implemented in a cooperation with the world of work and with the private sector partners of the Applied Technology Schools (ATS). In the project five schools out of 27 ATS in Egypt are associate partners. From these schools 50 teachers and trainers will participate in the pedagogical enhancement programme during the project and they will have also the on-the job -learning period in the private sector company.
Besides the pedagogical competences of the teachers’ and trainers’, the project will enhance student-centered and work-based learning cultures at the Applied Technology Schools (ATS) and provide experiences of international educational collaboration for all the project actors and stakeholders. The concrete project products include e.g. the piloted Pedagogical Enhancement Development programme, the collaboration models between schools and companies and guidelines for in-service teachers’ and trainers’ competence development in TVET. The educational and other development activities of the project will underline the horizontal aspects like values, civic engagement and participation in the line of UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 Quality Education. The commitment of all project partners enables the grounds for genuine medium and long-term impacts of the project’s outputs.
- Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland (Coordinator)
- Ministry of Education and Technical Education, Egypt (Partner)
- Helwan University, Egypt (Partner)
- IHK- Projektgesellschaft, Germany (Partner)
Work Packages & Deliverables
- Implementing fluently the overall work plan, coordination and governance structures, finance and reporting of the project
Main activities:
- Kick-off meeting in March 2023 in Cairo
- Regular project meetings
- Active internal project communication via emails and on the project Teams environment
Main outputs:
- Project Handbook on the data management, quality assurance and project’s dissemination practices
Lead: Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland
- Connecting the stakeholder groups (teachers, schools, private sector) in the project activities
- Defining the role and competencies of the TVET teachers and trainers to support the TVET students learning in new learning environments
- Clarifying the demands for in-service teachers’ capacity building during the career in TVET
Main activities:
- Planning and implementing surveys for teachers and trainers and also stakeholder interviews
- Report on the definition of teachers’ role in TVET
- Analysis report of the surveys for TVET teachers and interviews of stakeholders
- Guideline paper to develop TVET teachers’ and trainers’ competence development in initial and continuing education
Lead: Helwan University (HU), Egypt
Three deliverables under WP2
D2.1 Analysis reports and presentation materials
D2.2 The definition of teachers’ role in TVET: Guidelines for the teachers’ capacity building
D2.3 The definition of teachers’ role in TVET: Actions to include in the implementation of WP3 and WP4
- Support participants’ reflections on their professional development purposes and practices in it
- Develop participants’ knowledge and understanding of learning and teaching methods in work-based learning
- Increase participants knowledge about student-centered approach, general and soft skills, dialogue and interaction in education and individual needs of learners
Main activities:
- Three offline weeks and several online sessions for the TVET teachers and trainers
Main outputs:
- Piloted Pedagogical Enhancement Development programme with the advanced study material
Lead: Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland
Deliverable D3.1 Pedagogical Enhancement Development Programme
- TVET institutions and companies have new practices to support learners’ work-based learning
- Teachers have active role and use versatile assessment methods in learners on-the-job training
- Teachers’ and trainers’ technical capacity have improved
- Private sector has advanced opportunities to take part in the processes to improve the quality and relevance of TVET
Main activities:
- Teachers have the supervised on-the-job learning -period at the company
Main outputs:
- Guidelines to develop teacher’s role in work-based learning in school level
- Models for the collaboration between the TVET schools and companies
Lead: IHK Projektgesellschaft mbH (IHKPG), German
- Dissemination of project objectives, activities and the results nationally and internationally
- Dissemination activities and engagement of private sector
- Targeted dissemination and engagement for TVET actors nationally and internationally
- Engagement of policy makers
Main activities:
- Developing the contacts with the Applied Technology Schools (ATS) and regional companies
- The project websites and social media are informing the project activities, news and events updated for the project target groups
- Articles and conference papers will be written and disseminated on the project www-pages
- Seminars and workshops are organized for the project stakeholders
- Final seminar is organized in November 2024 in Cairo
Main outputs:
- Stakeholder events have developed new national and international networks for the TVET actors in Egypt
Lead: Ministry of Education and Technical Education (MoETE), Egypt
Events and News
The Final Seminar, Cairo, 3-5 November 2024

The third intensive week in Cairo, 3 – 5 September 2024
The second intensive week in Cairo, 3rd to 7th March, 2024
The first intensive week in Cairo, 19th to 23rd November, 2023
Kick-off meeting in Cairo, 14th to 16th of March, 2023
Other collaboration events and Erasmus+ projects

dr. Virve Kallioniemi-Chambers
Senior Advisor, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland
Dr. Amr bosila
Head of the Central Department for the Development of Technical Education, Ministry of Education and Technical Education, Egypt

Senior Advisor, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland

Aiyun Yang
Coordinator, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Finland

dr. rasha sHaraf
Professor, Faculty of Education, Helwan University (HU), Egypt

Hartmut schäfer
Head of Higher VET and International, IHK Projektgesellschaft mbH (IHKPG), Germany

Anna-Carina Mohrholz
Project Management International, IHK Projektgesellschaft mbH (IHKPG), Germany
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Grant Agreement Number 101091636.