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Home HAMK Supports Inclusive Education in Ukraine

HAMK Supports Inclusive Education in Ukraine

In collaboration with Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University (BGKMU), we are developing a five-credit course on inclusiveness to be included in the BGKMU Master’s programme in Special Needs Education.

The course is aimed at teachers who need additional skills in implementing inclusion at different school levels. It can also be delivered as a stand-alone course, as existing teachers are expected to regularly update their skills through a range of in-service courses.

During the project, BGKMU will conduct a needs assessment for Ukrainian teachers. Based on the needs assessment, we will support the development of the curriculum content. Ultimately, BGKMU will be responsible for the online implementation of the curriculum and its integration into the university’s program. The implementation of the project supports the ongoing education sector reform and the reconstruction plan for the education sector in Ukraine.

Mobility and continuous cooperation

We will organize two study trips from Ukraine to Finland for BGKMU’s teaching staff. Cooperation will also be implemented through webinars and development meetings. The visits will include, familiarization with Finnish and European solutions for inclusive education and visits to special education institutions.

After the first visit, BGKMU will carry out a teacher training needs assessment in Ukraine. The co-development will continue through online meetings and webinars. During the second visit, we will provide in-service training for the visitors and design the content of the curriculum. We aim to strengthen cooperation between Finnish and Ukrainian experts. This will improve the skills of Ukrainian teachers in inclusive education and to extend and enable inclusion to more and more learners.

More information:


The BRAVE (Bridge to Inclusion – Accelerating the Value of Special Needs Education) project will strengthen cooperation between HAMK and BGKMU to promote inclusive education and develop teachers’ skills. The project is funded by the Finnish National Board of Education’s Team Finland Knowledge (TFK) programme.