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HAMK sets up its own post-doctoral programme

HAMK will strengthen its research with its own post-doctoral programme, where doctoral graduates will be able to continue their training in applied research close to working life.

Häme University of Applied Sciences’ new post-doctoral programme is based on a multiannual plan for the use of central government research and development funding, in which the post-doctoral period (post doc) is seen as a more significant part of the researchers’ overall training and career path. A total of €40 million will be allocated from the 2025-2028 state budget for the post doc programme, but it will only be targeted at public research institutions. However, HAMK wants to be part of this development and is therefore setting up its own two-year programme, for which it is currently seeking six post-doctoral researchers. Those selected are expected to start work at the beginning of next year.

“The government’s investment shows that the activity itself is seen as very important. We want to play our part in developing new ways of increasing future RDI expertise and utilizing results,” says Annukka Pakarinen, Research Director at HAMK.

HAMK’s programme offers graduates opportunities to develop their career path in projects and funding opportunities where business sector is strongly involved. The programme also pays particular attention to the continuation of solution-oriented research training at RUN-Europe.

HAMK’s research will focus on multidisciplinary focus areas that seek solutions to the challenges of the future. These focus areas form three key ecosystems: Smart Solutions in Biotechnology (SmartBio), Smart and Sustainable Built Environment (SmartBuilt) and Smart Future Education and Competences (SmartEdu). Post-doctoral researchers will strengthen the focus areas led by Principal Research Scientists, create links with the business sector and contribute to the growth of solution-oriented research expertise.

According to Martti Majuri, Director of the HAMK Edu research unit, one of the key concerns is the transfer of innovation know-how into practical business. “We want to address this challenge by promoting research skills that support business and supporting post-doctoral careers in this direction.”

According to Jukka Pulkkinen, Director of the HAMK Smart and Tech research units, the programme is an excellent boost to HAMK’s already well-established solution-oriented and multidisciplinary applied research.

At the same time, HAMK is also developing training paths for researchers at the RUN-EU European University. The recently completed three-year RUN-EU PLUS project, which included the joint development of a roadmap for the development of doctoral programmes with the world of work.

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