HAMK renewed its brand – this is how the Bettermakers look and sound like!

Häme University of Applied Sciences renewed its brand in a way that reflects the desire of HAMK personnel and students to make the world better. The new brand is summed up in the word ‘the Bettermakers’.
The need to renew the brand arose from the need to communicate even more clearly about the renewed and meaningful work that is being done at HAMK.
“We are purposefully developing our education and research forward, and we have made a huge leap during the 30 years that we have operated as a unified HAMK. Our new brand describes even better what we are now and what we want to offer our students, our entire community and this region,” says HAMK president Pertti Puusaari.
The renewed brand is summed up in the word “Bettermakers”.
“We at HAMK want to make the world a better place and make big changes, but with human-sized steps. Everyone can find their own way to make a difference and do meaningful things in their work and studies,” Puusaari describes.
The core message of the new brand was worked on strongly with the participation of the entire university community. Quite quickly, the core ideas became how both current people at HAMK and our future students are united by concern for the state of the world, as well as how the significance of one’s own work becomes more and more important.
HAMK also conducted a survey that explored the thoughts of young people aged 16–25 about big, world-moving themes and how motivated young people are to influence things with their own study and career choices.
The survey showed that almost 70 percent of young people consider it important that in their future work they can influence big things that move the world.
“The results of the survey confirmed that we are on the right path: we want even stronger to offer opportunities to build our common future even better,” says Pertti Puusaari.
In connection with the renewal, HAMK’s logo and visual appearance were completely renewed. The new look is more colorful and approachable than before. It is gradually coming to life on HAMK’s seven campuses, and signs with the new logo have already gone up on the roof of the Hämeenlinna University Center.
The brand was worked on in cooperation with business design office Kuudes.
“At HAMK, we set out to renew the brand as it should be: based on strategy, listening to target groups and with internationalisation in mind. The brand is not superficial, but was created as a joint effort based on what HAMK is all about”, says Matti Lehto, Head of Strategy at Kuudes.
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