HAMK improved its position in international ranking of sustainable development

Häme University of Applied Sciences was ranked 18th out of nearly one thousand five hundred participants in the international GreenMetric ranking, which measures the sustainability of higher education institutions’ operations and operating environment. The ranking demands more and more from environmental actions.
HAMK improved its position in international ranking of sustainable development
Häme University of Applied Sciences was ranked 18th out of nearly one thousand five hundred participants in the international GreenMetric ranking, which measures the sustainability of higher education institutions’ operations and operating environment. The ranking demands more and more from environmental actions.
The GreenMetric World University Rankings once again gathered a wide range of participants from around the world. A total of 1,477 higher education institutions and universities from 95 countries participated. HAMK’s ranking improved by one position from last year. The number of participants increased by almost three hundred, so looking at the whole, we can be satisfied with the ranking.
HAMK participated in the ranking for the sixth time. The scores received by HAMK improved in the mobility section. In the other sections, the score remained at the same good level. Full points were obtained in both waste and water treatment areas.
The comparison examined measures promoting sustainable development in 2023 in six areas: campus infrastructure, energy use and responding to climate change, waste management, water use, mobility, and education and research. For many questions, the scoring criteria became stricter. More is expected of environmental actions. Also new was the question in each section, which related to the planning, implementation, evaluation and development of environmental aspects of the sub-area using information technology applications.
At the top of the ranking this year are Wageningen University from the Netherlands, Nottingham Trent from the UK and the University of Groningen from the Netherlands. In addition to HAMK, the Finnish participants in the ranking were the University of Eastern Finland, ranked 33rd and Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences ranked 408th. In 2022, HAMK ranked 19th, in 2019 35th and 87th in the 2018 survey.
HAMK’s sustainability and corporate social responsibility work will be renewed
“Green Metric ranking has provided us with essential information on the effectiveness of our sustainability measures and direction for its development for many years. In the future, we want to inform our stakeholders more extensively about our actions. Next spring, we will start regular reporting based on the Sustainability Directive,” says Leena Mäkinen, Sustainability Coordinator.
In addition to reporting, HAMK is reforming the management and organization of corporate social responsibility and sustainability work. We want to strengthen and harmonize our work for responsibility and sustainability and make it an even stronger part of everyday life. The Sustainable HAMK Group will continue with the environmental aspects and will be complemented by two groups: a social responsibility group and a group developing good governance.
GreenMetric ranking has been organized since 2010 and is based on the UI GreenMetric University Rankings Network led by the University of Indonesia.
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