DreamFAB project resolves the technical challenges that prevent the reuse of steel elements in buildings

Could steel elements be remanufactured and reused without energy-intensive recycling processes? At HAMK, technical rules and guidelines for structural safety in the reuse and fabrication of steel building components will be developed with eight partners.
At the end of the building’s life cycle, more than 95 % of the steel used is recycled to make new steel. However, recycling steel – melting and re-solidifying it – is a very energy-intensive process. Re-using steel elements instead of making new steel could be a more environmentally friendly option.
Several EU projects study the methodology and regulations for the reuse of steel building components, but few have focused on the technical challenges that prevent the reuse of steel elements in buildings. In Deconstruction and refabrication for the reuse of steel buildings (DreamFAB) project, technical rules and refabrication guidelines are developed for the structural safety in the reuse and refabrication of steel building components. The goal for the work is to enable steel elements in buildings to be remanufactured and reused without energy-intensive recycling processes. Development work is also being done regarding the demountability of structural elements and robot-assisted demolition.
The project is led by Häme University of Applied Sciences, with 8 partners: SSAB Europe Oy, Würth Oy, Timisoara University of Technology from Romania, Jupa S.A. from Spain, and the University of Coimbra, STAR Institute, ROBOPLAN and FERPINTA Group from Portugal. This is the first international project for HAMK Tech research unit where we coordinate the scientific research activities with leading European universities and industries.
The DreamFAB project will run from 1.9.2023–31.8.2027 and is funded by the European Union Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS).