Document transparency description
The objectives of the document transparency description
The Document Transparency Description is part of adhering to the principle of transparency. Its objective is to assist citizens in making information requests. The Document Transparency Description also provides information about the extent of an authority’s data processing. The description is prepared in accordance with Section 28 of the Information Management Act (906/2019) on ‘Description for the Implementation of Document Transparency.
Making an information request
Questions related to the processing of your personal data can be addressed according to HAMK’s privacy policies. Instructions regarding research permits can be found on the page Do you need a research permit?.
You can submit the actual information request:
By email: HAMK@hamk.fi
By mail:
Häme University of Applied Sciences Ltd P.O. Box 230, 13101 Hämeenlinna
Describe in the information request as precisely as possible what information you want, for example:
- Document name or title
- Timeframe or date
- Author
Processing and delivery fees are related to the retrieval, processing, copying, scanning, and mailing of materials. The fees are based on the law on the transparency of government activities (Act on the Openness of Government Activities, Sections 13 and 34). No value-added tax is charged for processing fees related to information requests because they are public-law services.
The delivery time for documents is regulated by Section 14 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities. Documents are generally delivered within two weeks of the request. Extensive and challenging document requests are processed within a month of the request. Documents cannot be picked up from HAMK.
Electronic and paper materials:
- 0–30 minutes: Free of charge
- 30 minutes–2 hours: 60 euros
- Each additional starting hour: 60 euros
Delivery Fees:
- Electronic delivery via secure email: Free of charge
- Mailing of paper materials by letter: 30 euros
- Mailing of paper materials as a package: According to postage costs
Payment of Processing Fees
Ordered documents will not be delivered before payment. Payment must be made in advance to the account of Häme University of Applied Sciences: FI58 1732 3000 0090 57. The customer must provide the bank payment receipt to HAMK’s registry, clearly indicating the customer’s name and the purpose of the payment. A fee is charged for search work exceeding half an hour, regardless of whether the requested materials are found.
Access to Documents
Public documents can be provided for supervised reading and copying within the university’s premises. Prior arrangements must be made by contacting HAMK’s registry. Access is free of charge, but copying archived documents for external parties incurs charges according to processing fees. Original documents are not lent or released outside the university.
Data and data Repositories
Some data repositories contain information that is confidential according to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (1999/621), Section 24.
- The description of the processing of personal data related to alumni activities can be found in the privacy notice titled ‘Processing of alumni data‘.
- The information is stored in the alumni management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and email address.
- The description of the processing of personnel’s personal data can be found in the privacy notice titled ‘Processing of personnel data‘.
- The information has been stored in the payroll and travel management system.
- You can search for personnel information on HAMK’s public pages. Other data sets are not available through an open interface. However, statistics related to university of applied sciences personnel can be examined through the Vipunen statistical service of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
- The search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and personal identification number.
- The description of the processing of personnel’s personal data can be found in the privacy notice titled ‘Recruitment.’
- The information has been stored in the recruitment system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the position being recruited for.
Content coming soon.
Spaces and properties
- Information about spaces and properties has been recorded: basic details, usage information, etc.
- The information has been stored in the property management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the address/name of the space.
Key management
- The description of the processing of personal data related to key management can be found in the privacy notice ‘Management of keys‘.
- The information has been stored in the key management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and a unique identifier for the key.
Video surveillance
- The description of the processing of personal data related to video surveillance can be found in the privacy notice ‘Camera Surveillance‘.
- The information has been stored in the video surveillance system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, time and location.
- The content of the data repository is confidential.
Access control
- The description of the processing of personal data related to access control can be found in the privacy notice ‘Access Control‘.
- The information has been stored in the access control system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and access card number.
- The description of the processing of personal data related to rental and accommodation can be found in the privacy notice ‘Rental and accommodation activities‘.
- The information has been stored in the property management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the address of the accommodation space or the name of the person.
Library customer registry
- The description of the processing of personal data related to the library can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing of customer data of Häme University of Applied Sciences Library‘.
- The information has been stored in the library’s customer information system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and email address.
Library materials
- The information is stored in the library system.
- Details of library materials can be browsed on Finna. Metadata for works in Finna is also available through an open interface. Theses contains full texts of theses, publications of projects, and parallel-published full texts of publications.
- Search criteria in the data repository include the author and title of the work.
Prospective student
- The description of the processing of personal data related to applicants can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing personal data of persons applying for studies‘.
- The information has been stored in the applicant registry.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface. However, statistics related to student selection can be viewed in the Vipunen statistical service of the Ministry of Education and Culture under the section ‘Applicants and selected candidates‘.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name, personal identification number, and the learner’s national identifier (OID).
- The description of the processing of personal data related to students can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing of Student Personal Data.’
- The information has been stored in the student administration system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface. However, statistics related to higher education can be viewed in the Vipunen statistical service of the Ministry of Education and Culture, covering reports on students and degrees, study attainments, progress in studies, placement of graduates, international activities, non-degree higher education, student feedback, and career tracking.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name, personal identification number, and student number.
Information on the organization of education
- The information includes details about the course, curriculum, course implementation, and space.
- The data is stored in the student administration system.
- Course details, curriculum details, course implementation information, and space details are available through an open interface with an API key. Additional information can be found on HAMK’s Open Data page.
- Search criteria include, for example, the course name or code, course implementation name and date, curriculum name, and space location.
- The description of the processing of personal data related to fee-based service operations can be found in the privacy notice ‘Fee-Based Service Operations‘.
- The information has been stored in the management system for participants in continuing education.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and email address.
Sales / Customer
- The description of the processing of customer personal data can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing of customer data‘ and the privacy notice for the online store.
- The information has been stored in the customer information system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the customer’s name.
Purchases / Supplier Information
- The description of the processing of supplier personal data can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing of supplier data‘.
- The information has been stored in the supplier information system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the supplier’s name.
Received tenders
- The description of the processing of personal data related to received quotations can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing of received tenders‘.
- The information has been stored in the procurement management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the subject and date of the tendering process
- The description of the processing of personal data related to fundraising can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing of donor data‘.
- The information has been stored in the fundraising registry.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the name of the contact person for the donor.
Data protection activities
- The description of the processing of personal data related to data protection activities can be found in the privacy notice ‘Data Protection Activities‘.
- The information has been stored on the network drive.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the content of the data protection-related case.
Research permit
- The description of the processing of personal data related to research permits can be found in the privacy notice ‘Research permits‘.
- The information has been stored in the research permit registry.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the name of the research permit applicant.
RDI projects
- The following main data groups have been recorded for RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) projects: Project identification information, project financing information, project implementation information, etc.
- The information has been stored in the project management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface. However, public information can be checked in the service Tiedejatutkimus.fi under sections Projects, Datasets, Infrastructures, and Publications.
- “The following main data groups have been recorded for RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) projects: Project identification information, project financing information, project implementation information, etc.
- The information has been stored in the project management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface. However, public information can be checked in the service Tiedejatutkimus.fi under sections Projects, Datasets, Infrastructures, and Publications.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the project name, project funder, and project implementation period.
Collaboration in RDI projects
- The main data groups recorded for collaboration in RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) projects include: Information about the participating organization, contact person’s details, collaboration history, etc.
- The information has been stored in the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system.
- Data is not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the organization’s name and the contact person’s name.
Information of participants in European Social Fund (ESF) projects
- The description of the processing of personal data of individuals participating in ESF projects can be found in the privacy notice ‘Processing personal data of persons taking part in ESF‘.
- The information has been stored in the ESF Person system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the project’s name.
Publication activities
- The description of the processing of personal data related to publication activities can be found in the privacy notice ‘Publication activities‘.
- The information has been stored in the publication management information system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the author’s name and the publication’s title.
- The description of the processing of personal data in marketing can be found in the privacy notice ‘Marketing‘.
- Data is stored in the marketing registry.
- Data sets are not available via an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and the field of study or interest.
Stakeholder cooperation
- The description of the processing of personal data in stakeholder cooperation can be found in the privacy notice ‘Stakeholder Cooperation‘.
- The data is stored in the stakeholder cooperation management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, name and the name of the company/organization.
- The description of the processing of personal data related to events can be found in the privacy notice “Processing personal data when organising events“.
- The data is stored in the event information system.
- Datasets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the dataset include, for example, the name of the registrant, the name of the event, and the date.
Photographs, videos, and other audiovisual material
- Description of the processing of personal data related to photographs, videos, and other audiovisual material can be found in the privacy notice “Photograph, video and other audiovisual material register for communication“.
- The data is stored in the AV material management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the names of individuals appearing in the material, the filming situation, and the date.
“Decisions” refers to various decision-related data groups, including basic information about the decision (title, date, decision maker) and the content of the decision.- The data is stored in a document management system.
- Data sets are not available via an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the decision date and the decision title.
Meeting Topics
- The information is stored in the document management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
- Search criteria in the data repository include, for example, the name of the meeting matter.
- The information is stored in the document management system.
- Data sets are not available through an open interface.
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