HAMK Alumni
The Graduation is not a end, it is the beginning!
We would love to stay in contact with you after you graduate – not as a student anymore, but as an appreciated member of our Alumni community!
Join the network!
By registrating to our Alumni network you will regularly receive current information about HAMK, as we keep in contact with you by three newsletters a year. Then if you like, the degree programme you have graduated from can contact you with their latest updates.
We offer you up-to-date information about events organized by HAMK, opportunities for further education and training, as well as other relevant matters through the alumni newsletter, along with a range of services.
Alumni Services for you
Alumni Letter
As an alum, you will receive our alumni newsletter three times a year, where we share current news from HAMK and highlight further education opportunities that may interest you.
HAMK Talents
HAMK Talents is your link between the professional world and HAMK even after your studies. By registering as a job seeker, you can find employers seeking your expertise. Through your company profile, you can also offer job, internship, and thesis opportunities to students.
Join informal groups for networking. Join the ones below or create your own!
Interns, thesis writers, and recruitment
As our alum, you have a direct connection to our students, among whom you can find skilled individuals for various projects and tasks. With them, you gain the latest expertise and knowledge to support the development of your organization.
Class reunion
If you want to gather your class together and reminisce about your study days, get in touch!
If needed, we can provide you with spaces at HAMK campuses. Contact us at alumni@hamk.fi, and let’s discuss further.
Library and information services
As an alum, you can take advantage of the services provided by our university of applied sciences library. You can also obtain, for example, a library card for yourself, allowing you to make use of our excellent library, which operates on all HAMK campuses.
Lectures and other events
HAMK organizes various lecture sessions and other events. We send invitations directly to registered alumni; please remember to update your contact information with us if it changes along the way.
Follow us on social media
You can follow us on these social media channels:
How do our alumni find employment?
The nationwide career tracking survey collects information about the careers of those who have graduated from universities of applied sciences. The survey is conducted annually for individuals who completed their UAS (Bachelor’s and Master’s) degrees five years ago.
The results of the survey are utilized in the planning and development of university programs, as well as in the assessment of the quality and development needs of higher education by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Additionally, university students and those considering pursuing higher education receive information to guide their personal career planning and support their employment. The results of career tracking surveys, such as how graduates from HAMK have been employed, can be explored, for example, through the statistical service Vipunen of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the töissä.fi service.