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Sanna Ryökkynen

Sanna Ryökkynen

Principal Research Scientist, tenure track

Contact me regarding following subjects

You can contact me to discuss issues related to the diversity of learning and teaching. At the core of my expertise are questions about building a socially sustainable society, where schools and the labour market play a central role. Commitment to equality and gender equality is part of quality and competitiveness. Let’s explore the possibilities of rethinking together.

About me

Sanna Ryökkynen (PhD, Mmus) serves as a principal research scientist (tenure track) at Häme University of Applied Sciences’ School of Professional Teacher Education and the HAMK Edu Research Unit. Her research focuses on issues related to special support, participation, equality, and inclusion in vocational education and the workplace. Sanna has extensive practical experience in the field of special education, particularly in demanding special support roles. Currently, she is particularly interested in exploring the possibilities of rethinking and societal imagination to strengthen participation, equality, and gender equality in education, the workplace, and society at large.

My projects

My projects at the semester 2023-2024

G.I.V.E – Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence

Himilo — Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Project in Somalia

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