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Marina Weck

Marina Weck

Principal Research Scientist


About me

I am Principal Research Scientist at the HAMK Smart Research Unit. I have the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University (Finland). I also hold an MSc in Construction Engineering and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. I have amassed extensive experience as a research manager, project manager, development manager, senior researcher, and lecturer in academia, as well as an engineer and consultant in the private sector. I have been actively involved in numerous EU-funded international and regional development and research projects, with a recent focus on business, circular economy initiatives, as well as projects related to the silver economy and the development of smart, age-friendly built environments. I am well experienced in qualitative research, collaborative decision making and problem structuring methods. My key research interests include risks and trust in international business relationships, trust in digital environment and technology, technology acceptance & uptake, circular economy as well as the age-friendly, smart, and sustainable living environment.


project management (planning and implementation), research and development, qualitative research methods, international networks and business, internationalization of companies, trust and risks in business relationships, innovation activities and networks, circular economy business, supervision of Master of Applied Sciences theses

My projects

KIITO – Renewing Business with Circular Economy Know-how, OSIRIS (Interreg BSR): Supporting Smart Specialization Approach in Silver Economy for Increasing Regional Innovation Capacity and Sustainable Growth, Research Project: Desirable Future for Ageing People: Perspectives and Business Opportunities for the Assistive Technology, Erikoistumiskoulutus nykyteknologian hyväksikäytöstä ikäihmisten kotihoidossa (KOTEK-ERKO), Innostu työssä! Työhyvinvointia ja tuottavuutta – työinnostusta parantamalla, Energian ja ravinteiden kierrätyksen uudet mahdollisuudet vesihuollossa (KEHÄ), Cooperation between Nordic and Russian Institutions and Enterprises in the Innovation Management and Transfer Processes: Developing Online Practices and Training Services (INNOVA), Terveysteknologian toimiala liiketoimintana (INKA-TELI), Higher Education and University-Business Cooperation in International Construction (UNICO), Development of Cooperation Networks for Finnish Organisations with the Countries of the Baltic Sea Region (BOAT), Development of Finnish Universities Network Supporting Companies’ Innovation Activities and Internationalisation (ROCKET), STROI-network – BUSINESS NETWORKS IN RUSSIA, METNET: European Network of R&D and Training Organisations in Metal Branch, KV –profile: Profiling business networks oriented to Russia, TEMPUS Programme (Education): a member of the experts’ team for the European Commission to assist in the evaluation of project proposals, OSI Mentor Programme – Open Society Institute Projects: small-scale international projects financed by George Soros, TACIS MTP Managers’ Training Programme (Phases 1 – 4): TACIS – Technical assistance programme stimulating partnerships between the EU and the Community of Independent States (CIS)