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Laura-Maija Hero

Laura-Maija Hero

Principal Research Scientist

Contact me regarding following subjects

You can contact me if you would like to talk about joint RDI projects and joint research, consult in taking your HEI or VET pedagogy to the next level, or build your organizations’ innovation capability through learning.

My expertise focus on topics like multidisciplinary innovation learning and innovation competence development, design-based education pedagogies and management, university-industry co-creation and open innovation ecosystems, entrepreneurship, new technologies practical applications and Web 3 in creative industries and education, cultural and creative industries management, curricula development in universities of applied sciences, the green deal, social matters.

About me

Short bio:

Laura-Maija Hero (PhD. Ed.) is a principal research scientist at Häme University of Applied Sciences’ HAMK Edu research unit. She specializes in multidisciplinary innovation pedagogy and design-based learning. She leads a research team called “DBE research”. She researches, develops and innovates solutions related to modern education, the green transition, digitization, culture and social innovations for the benefit of companies and learners, and trains teachers and education management staff. She studies e.g. the development of innovation competence and the effectiveness of university-industry innovation learning activities. She publishes frequently to support academia and working life. She has previously worked as a senior lecturer in Cultural management degree, RDI project manager and EMEA marketing manager in the technology industry.


My projects

DBE – Hamk design-based education research, development and teacher education

VAKE- Nationwide Masters’ degree development

DEFINE maanpuolustus, kriisikestävyys ja huoltovarmuus -innovaatioekosysteemi (security, defence, crisis management and security of maintenance)

LUME – Creatives in Web 3 age

Vihreä siirtymä, digitalisaatio ja yritysten muutoskysyvykkyys Green transition, digitalization and SME resilience

Taiteet ja Digi  – The arts and digitalization