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En­trance Exams and Other Se­lec­tion Meth­ods

You will find information on this page about all the different exams or tasks related to our student admissions.

Bach­elor’s De­grees

The selection methods varies between different application methods. Depending the application, we will select students based on their previous school performance, SAT-scores or entrance exam.

For more detailed criteria, you can find information on the degree programmes own page:

Mas­ter’s De­grees

Students for HAMK’s master’s degrees are selected based on a pre-assignment. We will publish the pre-assignment and instructions before the application period begins. The submission will be uploaded as an attachment to your application on the Studyinfo-pages.

How can I apply?

You can familiarize yourself here with various ways to apply or register in HAMK’s programs:

In­form­a­tion for ap­plic­ants: