Open UAS
Open University of Applied Sciences is for you!
Open UAS
Open studies can be a start of your degree studies. You can develop your professional skills or update your existing skills. If you later apply for a degree programme, it is possible to accept the studies you have completed as part of the degree in accordance with its current competence description.
Some studies may contain prerequisites, such as previous completed studies. These are described in the study guide. Please read this information carefully before registering!
Studying in open education requires good study skills, such as the ability to work independently and strong technical skills. You will need your own computer for studying.
HAMK Open UAS is suitable for you if
- You are considering which field could be right for you
- You want to study university of applied sciences-level courses
- You want to learn something new
- You could study while working
- You want to be a Bettermaker.
Enrolment periods:
Open studies
10.-21.3.2025 (summer studies)
5.-15.8.2025 (autumn studies)
1.-12.12.2025 (spring studies)
Non-stop online courses
Continuous enrolment. You can start your studies within a week of enrolment. Study period: 3 months from starting date.
What are you looking for?
Explore MOOC courses (Massive Open Online Course) here.
Explore non-stop studies with continuous enrollment.
Explore open UAS courses. They are worth 1-15 credits, and some of the studies can be completed online at your own pace.
Explore the 30-credit Expertise Training Programs.
Open sprints are a quick route to a degree. In the Open Sprint in Business, your previous skills are taken into account, which may have been acquired through work or previous studies.
Explore study paths. In study paths, you will complete first-year studies together with degree students. Once you have completed pathway studies, you can apply to become a degree student through a separate application process.
Did you know that it is possible to become a degree student through Open University of Applied Sciences? Depending on the study program, you will need to complete 30 or 60 ECTS credits at the Open University of Applied Sciences, after which you can apply to become a degree student through a separate application process. The studies must be relevant to the degree program you wish to study. For more information, please contact the study counselor of the degree program.
Important to know
These are important things to know when considering studying at HAMK’s Open University of Applied Sciences:
A student studying in an open university of applied sciences cannot receive state-funded student financial aid or student discounts unless they are entitled to benefits based on other studies. Etuudet ja vakuutukset
A student studying in an open university of applied sciences cannot receive state-funded student financial aid or student discounts unless they are entitled to benefits based on other studies.
When registering for studies, it must be noted that there may be prerequisites for the studies. Open studies for Master’s degrees often require a previously completed Bachelor’s degree. The student must consider whether their own background knowledge and skills correspond to the prerequisites required for completing the course.
Studying in an open university of applied sciences requires having your own computer. Those starting their studies must acquire their own laptop if they do not already have one. For more information, see the rules and instructions of HAMK’s IT services page. Studies often take place online and can be independent of time and classroom space.
A student studying open studies at HAMK (with a credit-based fee) is granted the right to complete the studies for the duration of the specific study. Any completed credits after the end of the study right will not be accepted.
The information about your completed studies can be found in your own study path at the address https://opintopolku.fi/koski. If you also need an official signed transcript of records, please send a request to opiskelijapalvelut@hamk.fi.
Ask more
Are you wondering what you could study at HAMK, but right now you don’t need a degree? Ask for more information by emailing continuous.learning@hamk.fi