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Our main goals

Introducing the tools of a European university – the Finnish titles of Masters and Professors

Finnish higher education policy is lagging far behind European developments. We need to use all the tools of the European higher education system to provide the best possible boost to the regions’ development.

The titles of Master’s degrees used in universities of applied sciences should be renewed to be in line with European standards. This means that Master’s Degrees should be called maisteri in Finnish rather than YAMK (ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto). In English the degree is already called Master’s, and it is equivalent to the Master’s degree of universities.

Finland is the only dual model country in Europe where universities of applied sciences are not allowed to use the title of professor. This complicates international cooperation and makes it more difficult for universities of applied sciences to obtain funding.

Professional Doctorate

Finnish universities of applied sciences should have the right to provide professional doctorates that meet the needs of companies and are relevant to the needs of business. This is vital if we want to keep up with European development and the competition among higher education institutions.

Universities of Applied Sciences are key players in generating skilled workforce, helping businesses to flourish and boosting regional development. Professional doctorates are needed to fulfil these roles. We want to increase the level of Finnish working life-oriented skills and research, enable more profitable internationalisation and improve the use of public resources for education. 

Thriving Kanta-Häme and South Pirkanmaa

We have seven campuses in Kanta-Häme and South Pirkanmaa. We are committed to developing all our campuses and working to promote the well-being, success and growth of our entire region.

Vibrant, engaging university towns and campuses are built through working together, looking ahead. That’s why we need long-term efforts, a shared vision and close cooperation between higher education institution, businesses and municipalities in the region.

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Transparency register

HAMK is registered in the Finnish transparency register. In accordance with the Transparency Register Act, we regularly report on the advocacy work we do with the Parliament and ministries.

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