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Home About us The Häme Foundation for Professional Higher Education and Research fr.

The Häme Foundation for Professional Higher Education and Research fr.

Foundation activities

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The Foundation is a non-profit organization and its purpose is to support and promote techno-economic and natural scientific research, product development and cultural activities within the operating area of Häme University of Applied Sciences.

To fulfill its purpose the Foundation may grant scholarships, employ personnel, acquire and own movable and immovable property, and support and promote activities of the Foundation in other ways as described above.


Public research grants

The Foundation launches an annual public call for applications in February. The call is always announced separately.

The call for the year 2025 is closed.

Grants for HAMK students

As a student, you can receive a grant to complete a thesis included in a  bachelor´s degree or a master’s degree. In addition, a grant may be awarded for project work or job training where credits are accrued. The grant is awarded on the basis of the recommendation of the head of the degree programme or supervisor of the thesis.

You can receive a grant for a thesis if you are not in an employment relationship with your contractor.

The grant awarded to the thesis is paid when the thesis is completed and approved.

When applying for a grant:

  • Before submitting an application, consult the Guide.
  • Complete the grant application carefully.
  • Submit your application to head of degree programme at your study programme, who sends the form to the foundation.
  • Attach the abstract of the approved thesis or project description of the project work to the application.

Grants for HAMK personnel

If you are a permanent employee of Häme University of applied sciences or Häme Vocational Institute, you can receive a grant for

  • completing a Master’s degree  *)
  • doctoral studies for licentiate and doctoral theses

*) with the exception of teaching staff, as a Master’s degree is an eligibility requirement for the job

Apply for grants for personnel

The grant is awarded on application. The application will always require the assent of the manager or the immediate supervisor to prove that the research is related to the research work of the university.

To apply for a grant, use the Foundation’s application forms. Please read first the Guide for applicants.

Be sure to complete the grant application in all its parts! Incomplete applications will not be processed or returned.

Other grants and stipends

A grant or scholarship may be awarded for special reasons for research or product development or publication activities with the aim of supporting and promoting techno-economic and scientific research, product development and cultural activities that promote the economic development of the Häme University of Applied Sciences’ area of operation.

Traditionally, the Foundation has awarded a student of the year scholarship to a distinguished student of HAMK students and a teacher or influencer of the year to HAMK staff.

In addition, since 2012, a student of outstanding merit has been honoured.
The Foundation invites nominations from the HAMK units, on the basis of which the Foundation Board decides on the recipients.

Donate to the Häme Foundation for Professional Higher Education and Research

Support for studies or the pursuit of science and art for the Foundation

The completed Foundation Gift Form should be sent to the Foundation at the following address

Häme Foundation for Professional Higher Education and Research,
PO BOX 230, 13101 Hämeenlinna.

or send an email to the foundation secretary at

80 % of the donations will be reserved for grants for science support, research and theses. 20 % will be used for other general support of science.

Donations are welcomed on an ongoing basis throughout the year.

The donor may make specific provisions for the use of the funds he or she donates to the Foundation. These provisions shall be respected unless they conflict with the purpose of the Foundation. The donor may direct the donation to be used in a specific field of education or research, or to be used for a specific study or thesis. The donation cannot be directed to an individual.

Contact us



Hämeen ammatillisen korkeakoulutuksen ja tutkimuksen säätiö sr.
Visamäentie 35 A,
PL 230
13101 Hämeenlinna
