14.4 million grant for RUN European University – Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and other RUN-EU partners deepen their cooperation even further

The RUN European University (RUN-EU) goes into the next phase with a new grant for 2024-2027. After an evaluation in 2027, it will be possible to receive funding for another two years. This means that RUN-EU, including the 3 years pilot phase, can have an operational framework of at least 9 years.
Over the next four years, the partner HEIs will seek to achieve legal status for RUN-EU, enhance the joint management and governance model of the European University and shared operating systems. In addition, the 14.4 million ERASMUS+ grant now received will finance the further development and implementation of education and research at the European University, the engagement of regional stakeholders, the mobility of staff, students and stakeholders, and the creation of innovations.
HAMK has already been responsible for the pedagogical development of the European University. In the coming RUN-EU cycle, this work will be expanded.
“RUN-EU is of great strategic importance for HAMK and we are excited about the coming cycle. HAMK will lead a work package that aims to build a research-based basis for European degrees, i.e. to combine the pedagogical development of the European University, the implementation of common study programmes and degrees and the assessment of the impact of education”, says Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä, Vice Rector of HAMK.
In addition to HAMK, the RUN-EU includes eight higher education institutions from seven different European countries. In addition, each RUN-EU partner has identified associated partners who can contribute to the work to increase its regional impact. HAMK’s regional partners are Hämeen yrittäjät (regional association for entrepreneurs) and Regional Council of Häme. In the second RUN-EU cycle, the higher education institutions will deepen their cooperation with regional partners and seek new partnerships.
“We can now look into the future of our European University as very promising, and I am certain that the impact will be enormous at all institutional levels and in the regional ecosystems”, says Carlos Rabadão, President of the Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal, and RUN-EU’s Coordinator.
“This is a hugely significant achievement for the regions of Europe and a vote of confidence in the potential of our regions to lead and prosper. The expansion of RUN-EU is ultimately a reflection of this potential and a demonstration of regional strengths. I look forward to working with all the RUN-EU partners to realise the new possibilities that this next phase presents to us”, adds Vincent Cunnane, President of the Technological University of the Shannon, Ireland – and RUN-EU’s Coordinator for the new cycle.
RUN-EU, a network of regional higher education institutions
RUN-EU (The Regional University Network – European University) is an alliance that aims to ensure economically, socially, culturally and ecologically sustainable development in their operating areas and among their stakeholders. In total, RUN has 76 500 students and 8 000 employees.
The European Commission granted the RUN Alliance the status of a European University in 2020. Over the past three years, the RUN-EU partners, including HAMK, have jointly implemented study programmes and student and staff mobility, established research collaborations and projects, introduced doctoral pathways, designed and launched double and joint degrees, and started to build common governance structures. RUN will complete its first cycle at the end of 2023.
European Universities lead the way towards the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionising the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. There are more than 40 European Universities in total, with 14 higher education institutions in Finland.
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