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Driving Collaborative Innovation towards Decarbonization and Advanced Manufacturing in SMEs across the Baltic Sea Region

Project information

ProjectCIRC-2-ZERO Driving Collaborative Innovation towards Decarbonization and Advanced Manufacturing in SMEs across the Baltic Sea Region
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, PROJECT PARTNERS:
Linnan Kehitys, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol Foundation, Krakow Technology Park, K8 Institute for Strategic Aesthetics, Academy of Fine Arts Saar, Riga Technical university, Luleå university of technology, VMG Lignum Systems, VIZULO, Industriellt utvecklingscentrum norr, Ventspils High Technology Park
FundersInterreg Baltic Sea Region
Budget3 296 687 €

CIRC-2-ZERO project tackles the challenge of accelerating decarbonization and enhancing advanced manufacturing capabilities in SMEs across the Baltic Sea Region.

The project targets SMEs in the electronics manufacturing and engineered wood products sectors, as well as large enterprises, business support organizations, and research institutions. SMEs often struggle to adopt circular economy practices and advanced manufacturing technologies due to a lack of knowledge, resources, and tailored support.They face barriers such as limited access to expertise, high costs of implementation, and difficulty in navigating the complex landscape of circular economy solutions. CIRC-2-ZERO offers three innovative solutions to overcome these barriers. Firstly, the project will develop a Digital Twin Demo Platform, enabling SMEs to simulate and optimize their processes for circularity. Secondly,it will provide tested solutions for circular product design and value chain optimization, empowering SMEs to create sustainable products and processes. Lastly,the project will establish a network of Resilience Transformation Hubs,offering SMEs access to training, mentoring, and collaborative innovation support. CIRC-2-ZERO will equip SMEs with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support to successfully transition towards circular economy and advanced manufacturing practices.The project’s outcomes will not only benefit SMEs but also will contribute to reducing waste, conserving resources, and mitigating climate change.

Target group

SME’s in electronics and wood industries

Operating area

Baltic Sea Region in Finland, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden.

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Contact information

Project Manager
Marina Weck

Communication Manager
Heidi Kerkola

Catalin Ilie

Häme University of Applied Sciences