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ketjut kuntoon

Strengthen the Chain!

Co-funded by the EU logo.

Project information

ProjectStreghten the chain
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences
(main project implementer),
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences,
Church Services Association,
Vates Foundation,
Kiipula Foundation,
Spesia Vocational College
FundersEuropean Social Fund plus (ESF+), the national funding authority is the Häme ELY Centre.
Budget913 048 €
(total budget)

Streghten the chain – every link matters!
We promote and smooth the labour market transition of people at a disadvantage.

Our aim is to increase work capability measures, services and guidance that promote the transition to work and enable people to work at their own capacity. We will enrich the diversity of working communities by considering ways and providing tools for equal and non-discriminatory recruitment practices.

The project will highlight the extensive experience of our experts in teaching with special needs, the specificities of special teacher training and the needs and implementation of special and special needs support.

Target group

The first target group is students leaving upper secondary education, at risk of exclusion and poorly integrated.

The second main target group is enterprises, work communities and organisations and their workplace managers.

Indirect target groups are teaching and guidance staff, workplace coaches in educational institutions, career counsellors and potential employment coaches.

Operating area

The activities are nationwide, covering the whole of Finland.

Key Targets

Our aim is to create a functioning service chain that takes into account the individual starting points of people with difficulties in finding work, the timely coordination of different services and the employment capacity of workplaces.

  • The development measures are divided into three themes.
  • Diversity of the work community
  • Ways of modifying work• Successful transition phase service path and support for people difficult to employ

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Häme University of Applied Sciences