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Home Students tip: How to get the most out of your RUN-EU learning experience? 

Students tip: How to get the most out of your RUN-EU learning experience? 

The RUN European University offers a wide range of learning opportunities. Our students Dominik and Pramod share their recent RUN-EU experiences and give some tips how to get the most out of the RUN-EU learning opportunities.

“I recently had the incredible opportunity to work on pioneering transportation solutions at the “Future Explorations” Short Advanced Programme (SAP) in Austria. Throughout a week of intense collaboration — and a few fun karaoke nights — I not only made lifelong friendships but also helped develop a groundbreaking prototype with real potential for the future. It’s truly exciting!

For anyone contemplating whether to dive into an SAP, my advice is to seize the moment and go for it. Embrace the chance to work on innovative projects and make a meaningful impact. Just remember to bring your open-hearted spirit and a readiness to forge lasting connections with people from all corners of the world.”

Dominik Storinsky, Electrical Engineering

“I took part in the RUN-EU Students Week and General Assembly in the beginning of September. In my opinion, the most interesting part of the week was making new friends and getting to know so many different cultures in one place. My learning opportunity was a Short Advanced Programme (SAP) about regional energy systems. I brainstormed with my co-students a lot about how energy consumption and distribution is in Vorarlberg in Austria. After the official academic programme, there was a social event in the evening which was time to release stress after long day work. In the end of the week all the students presented their final work, and posters with the most votes was voted to be presented at the General Assembly. The poster competition was fun!

My suggestions to other students: plan your trip as early as possible, try to anticipate what might come on your way in a country where you are going and which might be culturally different from your previous experiences, and familiarise yourself with transportation systems before the trip.”

Pramod Pokhrel, Construction Engineering

Student presentations at the General Assembly can be seen on the video on YouTube.

Interested in the RUN-EU learning opportunities? Check the upcoming opportunities on the RUN-EU website!

RUN European University

We are part of RUN European University, which brings together eight European higher education institutions from seven countries committed to a common vision.