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Home HAMK graduates in August 2024

HAMK graduates in August 2024

Every giant leap starts with a small step. Congratulations to all graduates!

Master’s Degrees

School of Business, Design and Technology

Degree Programme in Strategic Leading of Technology-based Business, Master of Engineering, insinööri (ylempi AMK)

Iiro Juha Tapani Nuotio, Pori

Kimmo Tuomo Tapani Kuusisto, Hämeenlinna

School of Health and Social Services

Degree Programme in Natural Environments and the Promotion of Well-being, Master of Natural Resources, ympäristösuunnittelija (ylempi AMK)

Heini Marja Mäkelä, Kouvola

Bachelor’s Degrees

School of Biotechnology and Natural Resources

Degree Programme in Climate Smart Agriculture, Bachelor of Natural Resources, agrologi (AMK)

Kirikiththe Arachchilage Ushani Madushika Chandrasena, Tammela

Degree Programme in Horticulture, Bachelor of Natural Resources, hortonomi (AMK)

Shelby Marie Nyberg, Oulu

School of Business, Design and Technology

Degree Programme in Computer Applications, Bachelor of Business Administration, tradenomi (AMK)

Cihan Erenler, Vantaa

Mohammed Ali Hussein Al-Saadi, Tampere

Yasser Moussaddak, Hämeenlinna

Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering, insinööri (AMK)

Naser Enayati, Hämeenlinna

Degree Programme in Equine Business Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, tradenomi (AMK)

Alisa Sylvia Tuominen, Lieto

Degree Programme in International Business, Bachelor of Business Administration, tradenomi (AMK)

Tao Tao, Ulkomaat

Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering, insinööri (AMK)

Niko Juhani Lehtineva, Riihimäki

Degree Programme in Traffic and Transport Management, Bachelor of Engineering, insinööri (AMK)

Ville Antero Nissinen, Riihimäki

Degree Programme in Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Administration, tradenomi (AMK)

Juuso Aleksi Tuominen, Tammela

Mikko Matias Hassinen, Riihimäki

Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Construction Management, rakennusmestari (AMK)

Janne Jäsän Iraqi, Tampere

Ville Väinö Johannes Viitapohja, Helsinki

Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology, Bachelor of Engineering, insinööri (AMK)

Sanna Mari Kiviluoma, Seinäjoki

Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Bachelor of Business Administration, tradenomi (AMK)

Janette Roosa Maria Lehto, Helsinki

Jarkko Mikko Olavi Pajunen, Janakkala

Lassi Martti Nikolai Vilkko, Hämeenlinna

Suvi Maria Känsäkoski, Hämeenlinna

Tuuli Inkeri Sintonen, Hämeenlinna

School of Health and Social Services

Degree Programme in Nursing, Bachelor of Health Care, sairaanhoitaja (AMK)

Jutta Katariina Suopuro, Hämeenlinna

Petra Karoliina Mäkelä, Valkeakoski

Risto Henrik Sakari Niskanen, Hämeenlinna

Tiina Marjukka Alkula, Urjala

Degree Programme in Social Services, Bachelor of Health Care, sosionomi (AMK)

Charlotta Elisabeth Vannas, Nokia

Miia Susanna Kari, Mynämäki

Mirka Helena Lattunen, Tampere

Wilma Jertta Julia Palomurto, Pälkäne

Names published with permission from graduates.