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Home Research SmartEdu – smart future education and competences Education and capacity building globally

Education and capacity building globally

Reforming education systems and developing competences globally

We promote sustainable growth and well-being by reforming education systems and developing competences in collaboration with our partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

We at HAMK have expertise in developing both human resources and education systems and the learning environments formed around them. New learning solutions are being created from early childhood education to primary, secondary, vocational education, higher education and adult education.

Our strong practical expertise in various fields – such as bioeconomy, construction, entrepreneurship as well as health and well-being – are at the core of our operations. Digital solutions are developed and applied diversely in different learning environments.

HAMK Africa Action Plan 2020 – 2030

Education and research have the reach, legitimacy, and ability to support the global development and this way shape the future of the world.

We at HAMK aim to enhance our strategic internationalization actions by building knowledge and competence together with African universities and partners. Read more about our collaboration in Africa below.

Our projects

We do research, development and innovation projects world-wide. We offer also customer-oriented, high-quality educational products with focus on different professional disciplines for the global market, in close cooperation with ministries and authorities from Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe.

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