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Digital expertise and sustainable work for home care

Project Information

Digital expertise and sustainable work for home care (DIGIKH)
Duration1.11.2023 – 30.04.2026
PartnersHäme University of Applied Sciences, Laurea University of Applied Sciences
FundingEuropean Social Fund Plus (ESF+)
Action Line
Competent and inclusive Finland that provides work (ESF+)
319 916 €

Our goal is to build a flexible continuous learning model for digital competence in home care, intended for the use of home care professionals and the well-being sector.

In home care, there is a strong need to develop customer-oriented digital services for home care as well as new operating and service models to implement high-quality and safe care for customers. The renewed digital operating environment of home care, new service models and their further development require a new kind of digital and technological expertise from staff and stakeholders.

The project “Digital Competence and Sustainable Work in Home Care (DIGIKH)” is a collaborative initiative between HAMK and Laurea, with the primary goal of creating a flexible continuous learning model for digital competence in home care, intended for home care professionals and well-being regions. The overall model is built through the collaboration of educational providers within separate projects, in cooperation with industry stakeholders and students.

The model generated by the project promotes digital competence among professionals in home care, leading to the continuous improvement of staff expertise, enhancement of service quality, and the development of home care into a thriving and attractive profession. The project focuses on development work, particularly using service design and co-creation methods. The development work is conducted in close collaboration with home care practitioners, aiming to create, share, and implement consistent best practices widely.

As a result of the collective efforts of the separate projects, new technology and service expertise, foresight and networking skills, new pathways for home care, well-being at work expertise, and a digital analytics application for assessing home care work well-being and digital competence are created. Additionally, a flexible continuous learning model for digital competence in home care is established.

Target groups

  • In a situation of change, home care directors and staff, nurses, public health nurses, practical nurses, physiotherapists, and other personnel implementing customer service in home care.
  • Educational organizations and their students.
  • Home care companies.
  • Others operating in the home care sector, whose competence or ability to cope at work requires special support. Associations, organizations, foundations collaborating with home care services.

Target area

Southern Finland


The project is implemented in the following work packages (WP)

WP 1. Digital competence needs and future competences in home care

WP 2. Age technology competences in home care

WP 3. Development of work well-being of home care environment

WP 4. Coordination of a group project and a separate project entity.

As a result of the DIGIKH (Southern Finland) group project formed by HAMK and Laurea, new knowledge and expertise is created of home care digitalization and technology in home care services. In practice, this means renewed models for enhancing new expertise in digital home care, age management and work well-being. Furthermore, the result is the implementation of data analytics in the development of digital home care.

News and articles

This section will publish news, articles, and events related to the project.

Häme University of Applied Sciences has launched a new project, “Digital expertise and sustainable work for home care – DIGIKH”, where new technology and service expertise are being developed. As part of this initiative, a digital analytics application is being created for the assessment of the well-being and competence of home care staff. The ultimate objective is to increase the safety of customers living at home by enhancing the digital and age technology skills of the personnel.


Project Manager at HAMK: Päivi Sanerma

Project Manager at Laurea: Anne Makkonen

Anne makkonen

Laurea University of Applied Sciences

[email protected]

+3589 8868 7834

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