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Home Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement concerns the website

We want to go beyond the minimum requirements when it comes to accessibility

The website of Häme University of Applied Sciences was renewed in early 2024. According to the agreement, the technical implementer of the pages is committed to delivering a website that meets technical requirements at least at the AA level.

As part of the renewal, we have focused on both the technical and content accessibility of the website. During 2024, we will assess the current accessibility level of the site and update the accessibility statement accordingly.

The creators of the website strive to ensure digital accessibility for individuals with functional limitations. We continuously improve the user experience and adhere to relevant accessibility standards.

The current accessibility status of the website (updated on June 20, 2024)

Partially meets accessibility requirements.

Non accessible content – Site doesn’t meet all requirements through out


Small deficiencies in the accessible texts for logos, icons, and text fields
Inaccessible content and its deficiencies: Descriptions of functionalities are incomplete in navigation, the footer, and site search.
Accessibility requirements that are not met: 1.1.1 Non-text Content

Information in narrow elements on training pages partially inaccessible
Inaccessible content and its deficiencies: On training pages, there are narrow elements where some information may be inaccessible to users when the site is magnified on smaller screens.
Accessibility requirements that are not met: 1.4.10 Reflow

Heading structure partially incomplete on some site pages
Inaccessible content and its deficiencies: On several pages of the site, including training pages, the heading structures are incomplete. Occasionally, multiple heading levels are skipped.
Accessibility requirements that are not met: 1.3.1 Information and Relationships

The website has minor deficiencies in contrasts.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: In the section presenting events, the font color of the event dates does not sufficiently contrast with the background. The contrast ratio with the background is 4.1:1.
Accessibility requirements not met: 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum).

The play button on the homepage cover video has incorrect instructions.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: On the website’s homepage video, there is a play button that says “Start video” when the video is already playing.
Accessibility requirements not met: 1.3.3 Sensory characteristics.

Hidden links on the “New Degree Student” page
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: On the “New Degree Student” page, in the accordion titled “Programs for Your Computer,” there are hidden links that are not visible to mouse users but can be navigated with a keyboard. These hidden links lack accessible text.
Accessibility requirements not met: 1.1.1 Non-text content

Accessibility issues with PDF files
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: Some of the module map PDF files on the “Opintojen suunnittelu” page have minor contrast deficiencies. Additionally, the PDF files lack lang and title attributes.
Accessibility requirements not met: 1.4.3 Contrast (minimum), 1.3.1 Info and relationships


The buttons for filtering projects on the website are not accessible via keyboard navigation.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: On the Projects page, in the “Explore our projects” element, the filters are completely unusable with a keyboard.
Accessibility requirements not met: 2.1.1 Keyboard

Issues with keyboard navigation in carousels
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: Carousels on the website cannot be fully navigated backwards using the keyboard. Additionally, carousel category buttons lack visible focus indication.
Accessibility requirements not met: 2.1.1 Keyboard, 2.4.7 Visible Focus

Minor deficiencies in visible focus both with keyboard and mouse pointer.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: Buttons have deficiencies with visible focus when using both keyboard and mouse pointer, especially in the education search.
Accessibility requirements not met: 2.4.7 Visible Focus

Cookie settings can’t always be navigated away from using just the keyboard.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: Keyboard focus doesn’t always move away from cookie settings when the user changes preferences. The cookie settings close when the user selects an option, but the focus remains on the cookie settings.
Accessibility requirements not met: 2.1.2 No keyboard trap


There are minor deficiencies in the Finnish translations on the website.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: English terms appear in breadcrumbs, the title of the 404 page, and in accessible texts and buttons throughout the site.
Accessibility requirements not met: 3.1.2 Language of parts


Deficiencies in status messages in the education search.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: Changes in filters during the education search may go unnoticed by some users because the changes are not communicated to the user.
Accessibility requirements not met: 4.1.3 Status messages

There are minor errors in the HTML code that could affect the accessibility of the website.
Inaccessible content and its shortcomings: The code contains some errors and suboptimal solutions that could impact accessibility.
Accessibility requirements not met: 4.1.1 Parsing

Enrolling for in-service training (
Inaccessible content and its deficiences: HTML-markup is not fully valid.
Accessibility requirements that are not met: 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

Unconscionable burden to be fixed (the whole service needed to be renewed).

The accessibility state of the study guide (
(updated on May 23, 2022)

Partially meets accessibility requirements.

Non accessible content – The study guide ( doesn’t meet all requirements through out


Inaccessible content and its deficiencies: The text contents showing to the user follows the source programme’s text layout so the requirements for the row and paragraph settings or the maximum mumber of the characters on the text row won’t be fullfilled.
Accessibility requirements that are not met: 1.4.8: Visual Presentation


Did you notice any deficiencies regarding the accessibility of the site? Please let us know and we will do our best to fix the issue

You can provide your feedback by filling the form

or sending email: [email protected]

Supervising authority

If you notice any accessibility problems, please let us know. We will respond to your feedback within two weeks, at the latest. If you are not happy for the answer or you won’t receive any answer during two weeks, you can report it to the Regional State Administrative Agencies – Southern Finland (Etelä-Suomen aluehallintavirasto). Unfortunately at this moment their feedback page and form is only in Finnish.

Contact information for supervising authority

Regional State Administrative Agencies – Southern Finland
Accessibility control unit
email [email protected]
switchboard phone number +358 295 016 000