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Home A record number of applicants for Häme University of Applied Sciences’ degree programmes in English

A record number of applicants for Häme University of Applied Sciences’ degree programmes in English

A total of nearly 3,800 applications from more than 2,600 applicants around the world were submitted to HAMK’s English-language degree programmes starting in the autumn. The number of applicants for our English-language degree programmes has increased in recent years and this trend continued despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, four separate application procedures were open for the degree programmes in English, the first one of which already started in October 2020 and the last one ended in May. The application methods were the joint application process for higher education institutions organised in January, and three of HAMK’s own extended separate application procedures, in which it was only possible to apply to HAMK. It was possible to apply for eight Bachelor’s degree programmes in English and one Master’s degree programme in English.

1,719 applications from 1,396 people were submitted to HAMK in the joint application process. 2,080 applications from 1,226 people were received in the separate application process. The number of applicants in the joint application process increased by almost 250 people and the number of applicants in the separate application process increased by more than 400 people compared to last year. The number of applicants to HAMK’s degree programmes in English has increased annually. The number of degree programmes offered in English has also increased.

“HAMK strives for strong international growth and we strive to attract the experts needed by the region and society to Finland. The grant system based on the Finnish language skills accumulated during the studies in HAMK and our close cooperation with employers in the area support the attraction of experts and their attachment to the area”, says Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä, the Vice President of HAMK.

COVID-19 has an influence on international education

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected both student recruitment and the starting of the international students’ studies. Since August 2020, HAMK has arranged transport for incoming exchange students and first-year international degree students from the airport or other border crossing point to the student’s apartment. About half of international degree students have studied remotely from their home countries.

All those arriving in Finland have been instructed about self-quarantine and the importance of complying with the self-quarantine as well as health security, such as the face mask recommendation and COVID-19 testing at the border crossing point. Basic supplies, a food package and instructions in English for ordering food and other supplies to the apartment have been distributed to those students who have had to self-quarantine. For students in the country, studying has been organised by safely combining distance and on-campus learning.

If the situation so requires, this operating model will also be continued at the beginning of the autumn semester. HAMK works in close cooperation with the authorities that are responsible for the monitoring of infectious diseases in its operating areas.

Additional information:

Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä
Vice President
Häme University of Applied Sciences
[email protected]