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Digital autonomous services for the circular economy

Pro­ject in­form­a­tion

Pro­jectDi­gital autonom­ous ser­vices for the cir­cu­lar eco­nomy
Dur­a­tion1.8.2023 – 31.7.2026 
Im­ple­ment­orsHank­keen toteut­taja 1,
Hank­keen toteut­taja 2,
Hank­keen toteut­taja 3
Fun­dersEuropean re­gional de­vel­op­ment fund, Uusimaa re­gional coun­cil
BudgetHank­keen bud­jetti

Our goal is to develop the services and operations of the circular economy area in the MORE industrial zone to better meet the needs of today and tomorrow, using a variety of digital technologies. For example, the project will pilot solutions to improve safety and service times in the circular economy area. Our partners will be supported by a regional monitoring platform that will enable them to use data collected from different sources to develop the area. 

Digital services and new business models are evolving rapidly with the rapid progress of the digital revolution, and the circular economy is part of this transformation. The explosion of personalized services and the use of real-time data will enable companies to monitor and improve their operations and provide customer-centric and sustainable solutions. New technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence and digital platforms will help businesses to access the information they need, leading to a more efficient circular economy and the emergence of new services. 

Tar­get groups

The actual target group of the project is the MORE industrial area and the Kiertokapula waste and recycling station operating there, as well as the residents of Kanta-Häme using its services. Later on, the best solutions can be replicated in other waste and recycling stations in Kanta-Häme. The project will also benefit businesses and operators in the MORE area.  

Pro­ject ob­ject­ives

We will investigate how companies focusing on the circular economy can use digital technologies to create new services and business models. We will also investigate how entirely new players can emerge on the market and what kind of ecosystems they can form together with statutory recycling organizations.  

We are piloting a 24/7 solution for recycling services. Among other things, the solution will help guide customers to move safely around the site and facilitate the correct handling of recyclable materials using digital technologies.  

We collect and combine data to enable the sustainable development of the region through information. The data, which will be channeled to the Regional Monitoring Centre, will help to promote and report on the entire region’s activities in a more sustainable and responsible way, with one aim being to create the basis for environmental certification of the MORE region. 

Op­er­a­tional area

The benefits of the project are visible regionally in the Kanta-Häme area and municipally in the areas of Hämeenlinna and Janakkala.

Ag­greg­ated in­form­a­tion about the pro­ject

Con­tact in­form­a­tion