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Home Research HAMK Smart – intelligent services

HAMK Smart

Finding solutions through data analytics and digitalisation

We apply data analytics, machine learning and IoT technologies to the development of the bio- and circular economy, and we use the latest digital technologies in the built environment. We are producing research-based knowledge on the use of digital solutions in education and working life, as VR, AR (augmented reality) and data analytics will play a crucial role in the development of our society.

We focus on applied research and real action that is ambitious, but also concrete and useful. For example, together with our partners we have developed the carbon sequestration measurement and modelling tool Field-observatory, created VR (virtual reality) training solutions for the social and health sector and various companies, and our research results have been used in the accessibility design of the London Underground.

We are conducting research around the following themes:

  • Digital solutions for the bio- and circular economy
  • Accessibility and smart mobility solutions
  • New solutions for well-being in home care
  • Wearable technology and system intelligence for teams
  • New digital learning solutions
  • New SmartCity solutions and knowledge management

We deliver data analytics and digital services to our clients. The expertise of our research unit is combined into a multidisciplinary collaboration in HAMK’s research ecosystems SmartBio, SmartBuilt and SmartEdu.

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