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A spring day at the Forssa campus, the sun is shining. A woman is standing on the stairs and leaning on the railing.

Open UAS

Open University of Applied Sciences is for you!

Open UAS

Open studies can be a start of your degree studies. You can develop your professional skills or update your existing skills. If you later apply for a degree programme, it is possible to accept the studies you have completed as part of the degree in accordance with its current competence description.

Some studies may contain prerequisites, such as previous completed studies. These are described in the study guide. Please read this information carefully before registering!

Studying in open education requires good study skills, such as the ability to work independently and strong technical skills. You will need your own computer for studying.

HAMK Open UAS is suitable for you if

  • You are considering which field could be right for you
  • You want to study university of applied sciences-level courses
  • You want to learn something new
  • You could study while working
  • You want to be a Bettermaker.

Enrolment periods

Open studies

12.-23.2.2024 (spring studies)
11.-22.3.2024 (summer studies)
5.-16.8.2024 (autumn studies)
1.-11.10.2024 (autumn studies)
2.-13.12.2024 (spring studies)

Non-stop online courses

Continuous enrolment.

Study fees

The tuition fee for open studies is 15 Euros/credit. For example, a 5 credit course costs 75 Euros. ​The tuition fee is paid at the same time as registration (payment methods include online payment, credit card, Mobile Pay, Pivo, Walley-invoice).

Terms of cancellation

​If you cancel your enrolment at least 14 days before your studies begin, you are entitled to a refund of payments.
Send an email to studentservices(at)
If you cancel your enrolment later than 14 days before the beginning of your studies, we will charge the study fees in full. Also, if you do not cancel your enrolment
and drop out right from the start or during your studies, we will charge the study fees in full.

Ask more

Are you wondering what you could study at HAMK, but right now you don’t need a degree? Ask for more information by emailing [email protected]