Jali Närhi

Contact me regarding following subjects
- All Design Factory related things
- Graphic Design, Visual Design
- Photo- and Videographing different events, projects etc.
- Special needs for technical arrangements in the Stage area, please contact me two weeks prior
About me
I work as a Project leader in Horizon 2020 ATTRACT project called BASE, which is a mostly focused on creating student projects for deep technologies. I also work in other projects as a specialist in visual design and photo-/videographer. I coach students in interdisciplinary teams, who are focused on Design Thinking Process and real life company projects.
My responsibilities in HAMK Design Factory are as follows:
- Coaching students in interdisciplinary teams
- Creating visuals for different documents
- Managing the different IT-equipment (computers, cameras, mics, etc.)
- Handling the social medias and updating the website
- Responsibility for Electronic Corner in ProtoLab
- Budjeting, Creating agreements for different projects, Reporting, Data management, Representing in different project event
My projects
Coach in following courses
- Product Development Project (PdP) -course
- Design Factory Workshops -course, Graphic Design
- International Product Development Project -course
- TULEVA, EAKR (2018-2020)
- Häme Design Factory, EAKR (2019-2021)
- VÄLKKY, REACT-EU+EAKR (2021-2023)
- DIVA, ESR (2021-2023)
- RUN-EU, Work package 3, EPLUS2020 (2019-2023)
- RUN-EU, Work package 6, EPLUS2020 (2019-2023)
- Pedagoginen kehittämisohjelma Learnwell, (2020->)
- JÄRKKI, Ympäristöministeriö (2021-2022)
- BASE Student Program 1, Horizon 2020 (2022-2025)
- RUN EU 2.0 (2024->)