
Project Information
Project | NextSteps@TechVET |
Duration | 1.9.2020-31.8.2023 |
Partners | HAMK Koulutuskuntayhtymä Tavastia Finland Kouvolan kaupunki (City of Kouvola) Finland) Vidzemes Tehnoloģiju un dizaina tehnikums Latvia Tallinna Lasnamäe Mehaanikakool Estonia and Stichting voor Christelijk beroepsonderwijs en volwassen educatie Friesland/Flevoland Netherlands |
Funding | European Commission |
NextSteps@TechVET project aims to promote WBL in all its forms, by involving companies and VET providers and targets VET institutions, especially VET teachers and their connections in the world of work such as workplace instructors, managers and HR. Through these target groups, the project also benefits VET students.
The project aims to develop partnerships that promote WBL in VET and support professional development (especially guidance skills) of people involved in the WBL process and the internationalization of VET.
The project responds to the EU priorities for Vocational Education Training. It promotes WBL and teachers’ and trainers’ professional development through the recognition of the current state and development needs regarding cooperation between VET institutions and working life, especially focusing on guidance (incl. career guidance and workplace guidance in physical and digital environments); development of pedagogically considered educational materials to support guidance skills and cooperation between education and work; promotion of best practices for WBL from the perspectives of teachers, students and working life and the improvement, recognition and accreditation of guidance skills through the development of digital open badge-driven learning process. The project runs for 36 months starting on 1.9.2020 and finishing on 31.8.2023.
HAMK coordinates the project. Project partners are Koulutuskuntayhtymä Tavastia Finland; Kouvolan kaupunki (City of Kouvola) Finland; Vidzemes Tehnoloģiju un dizaina tehnikums Latvia; Tallinna Lasnamäe Mehaanikakool Estonia and Stichting voor Christelijk beroepsonderwijs en volwassen educatie Friesland/Flevoland Netherlands
NextSteps@TechVET project has been funded with support from the European Commission, under ERASMUS+, with the reference number 2020-1-FI01-KA202-066596.
Remark: The European Commission accepts no responsibility for the contents of this website.
Target Group
Teachers and trainers
Target Area
Vocational Education Training.
Means and objectives
The project promotes WBL and teachers’ and trainers’ professional development through following objectives:
- recognition of the current state and development needs regarding cooperation between VET institutions and working life; especially focusing on guidance (incl. career guidance and workplace guidance in physical and digital environments)
- development of pedagogically considered educational materials to support guidance skills and cooperation between education and work,
- promotion of best practices for WBL from the perspectives of Learning Ambassador, Students and Working-life,
- improvement, recognition and accreditation of guidance skills through the development of digital open badge-driven learning process.
Current events
Video: Competence of a Learning Ambassador
Video: NextSteps@TechVET presents: Role and importance of Learning Ambassadors
News: NextSteps@TechVET: Elevating Work-Based Learning in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Video (FI): Oppimisen lähettiläät ammattiopiston ja yritysten rajapinnassa
Article: Learning Ambassador – The new role for a VET teacher
Presentation: TechVET_presentation
News: Expectations of technology companies for vocational training and vocational teachers
News: From Vocational Teacher to Learning Ambassador
Video: Ambassadors of work-based learning
Video: Project implementation status
Video: Winter greetings
Video: Welcome to TechVET
NextSteps@TechVET project will improve work-based learning methods
Project team
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, Finland, Coordinator
Vidzemes Tehnoloģiju un dizaina tehnikums, Latvia
Koulutuskuntayhtymä Tavastia, Finland
Tallinna Lasnamäe Mehaanikakool, Estonia
Kouvolan ammattiopisto, Finland
Stichting voor Christelijk beroepsonderwijs en volwassen educatie Friesland/Flevoland, The Netherlands.
The ERASMUS + KA2 Strategic partnerships project promotes WBL and teachers’ and trainers’ professional development through the recognition of the current state and development needs regarding cooperation between VET institutions and the world of work; especially focusing on guidance (incl. career guidance and workplace guidance in physical and digital environments); development of pedagogically considered educational materials to support guidance skills and cooperation between education and work; promotion of best practices for WBL from the perspectives of teachers, students and the world of work and the improvement, recognition and accreditation of guidance skills through the development of digital open badge-driven learning process. The project runs for 36 months starting on 1.9.2020 and finishing on 31.8.2023.
a) report on the current state of school-work connection and guidance competencies,
b) educational materials to develop guidance skills and materials for workplace instructor training,
English material bank
Finnish material bank
Latvian material bank
Estonian material bank
Dutch material bank
Test your Learning Ambassador abilities with this test
c) best practices for work-based learning support guide for Learning Ambassadors, Students and Workplace trainers,
IO1 materials
Student questionnaire template
Teacher questionnaire template
Interview questionnaire for business representatives template
IO2 material bank
English material bank
Finnish material bank
Latvian material bank
Estonian material bank
Dutch material bank
Test your Learning Ambassador abilities with this test
Best practices for work-based learning support guide for Learning Ambassadors, Students and Workplace trainers,
Contact us

Project coordinator, VTDT

Head of Metal Specialties, TLMK

professional instructor, mechanical and production engineering, Tavastia

Teacher, Eduko

Manager, RFP